Zen Teacher Teshin Matthew Sweger

Zen Teacher Teshin Matthew Sweger August 30, 2023













I am so glad to be able to announce that I will be giving the Reverend Teshin Matthew Sweger Inka Shomei, the final authorization within the lineage I received from Roshi John Tarrant, at the culmination of a week long sesshin which will be held at the North Carolina Zen Center, on the 22nd of October, 2023.

Teshin currently serves as teacher and resident priest of the North Carolina Zen Center in Pittsboro, North Carolina.

He began a Zen practice under the guidance of one of his professors, Paul LaChance, who was a long time student of Roshi Philip Kapleau while an undergraduate at Frostburg State in Maryland. In 1994 Teshin attended a formal introduction to Zen practice workshop in Rochester. That summer Teshin returned for a three month residency. After graduating college and working for a year, he moved to Rochester to enter their formal residential training program. He worked principally with the abbot, Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede.

In 2000 he left formal residency, began studying with roshis Lawson Sachter & Sunya Kjolhede, and began working as a carpenter. In 2003, he accompanied his teachers as they moved to Asheville to begin the Windhorse Zen Community. Teshin worked full time on staff. In 2004 he ordained as a priest within the Rochester Zen lineage. In 2010 he began sitting sesshin with Sensei Sevan Ross, who at the time while a successor to Kjolhede Roshi, had also completed koan work with me in the full Harada Yasutani curriculum, and who I gave Denkai and Denbo in the Soto tradition. In 2016, after completing the full traditional curriculum, Teshin received Denkai and Denbo transmission from Sensei Sevan Ross.

In 2017 the board of the North Carolina Zen Center invited him to become their resident teacher and priest.

In addition to his undergraduate degree, Teshin holds a masters in Counseling. And maintains a private psychotherapy practice. He is married to Dana Lundquist, and they have a daughter who guarantee his training will be continuing…

He has continued to sharpen his eye and broaden his approach visiting with and studying with a number of the signal teachers of our time and place.

Teshin and I have been investigating the great matter together in formal and informal ways for some years now. I have witnessed a wise and compassionate teacher, a friend, and someone I am proud to formally acknowledge as a senior teacher within our forming North American Zen.

Please keep us in your thoughts, prayers, and dedications as we move together in this sweet dance on the intimate way.



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