Luke Wilson, Isabelle Fuhrman, Ella Hunt Talk “Horizon”

Luke Wilson, Isabelle Fuhrman, Ella Hunt Talk “Horizon” July 2, 2024

In the expansive world of Kevin Costner’s latest film, “Horizon,” starring Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington, Abbey Lee, Luke Wilson, Will Patton, Ella Hunt, Isabelle Furhman, Jena Malone, and Michael Rooker, the ensemble cast members found themselves deeply engaged in a project that took its time to unfold, much like the vast landscapes it depicted. The film, noted for its meticulous storytelling, demanded a level of dedication and passion that resonated deeply with the diverse group of explorers.

LUKE WILSON in New Line Cinema’s Western drama “Horizon: An American Saga” Chapter One, a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

Luke Wilson (“Old School,” Legally Blonde”) plays Matthew Van Weyden, a tough but fair captain of a group caravaning to the Oregon Trail. He reluctantly steps in when there’s conflict, which makes him relatable to everyone who’s ever tried to play peacemaker.

“He’s been elected to this position, he doesn’t even want to be in it,” he said. When he approaches some of his men for them to get them back in line, it’s ultimately for his family and the good of the camp. Wilson said his mindset was, “Look, you guys have helped me along here, but you can’t be doing that because it’s upsetting to people and it’s wrong. So he’s also trying to raise his own family and keep his own family—he has a wife and two daughters—he’s trying to get not just get them but get this whole wagon train.”

For Isabelle Fuhrman (“Orphan,” “The Novice”), the decision to join the film was immediate and driven by Costner’s passion. “He really, every single ounce of passion that I’m sure you felt speaking with him was felt immediately, even from reading the script and hearing how he wanted to build the story and build this world for us. It just was a no-brainer, the idea of being able to be invited into Kevin Costner’s western world that he built really, for all of us to play in.”

Fuhrman described the experience as fulfilling a childhood fantasy. “It’s like how you imagined making movies would be as a kid and living that out felt like a fantasy.”

Ella Hunt (“Dickinson,” “Anna and the Apocalypse”) echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the unique and immersive nature of the film’s production. “It was just such a truly immersive experience. And, and I’m one of a kind, I think, I will be talking to my grandchildren about this movie one day. And we made this movie in a way that so few movies get made now, like, we really were out amongst the elements, we weren’t on a soundstage, everything was built for real, everything was played for real.”

Hunt found particular challenge and reward in Juliet, who’s a bit more refined that the rugged terrain she’s exploring. “For me signing on, I was intimidated by Juliet. She was so many of the things that I dreamt of playing in a character, but that I didn’t, I just didn’t believe that I would get to do at this stage. And it still means so much to me that Kevin saw her in me and trusted me to play her.”

Kevin Costner Talks Prayer, Sacrifice, and His Passion Project, ‘Horizon’

The character dynamics and their journeys in “Horizon” were something that both Hunt and Fuhrman found compelling. Hunt explained, “I think they have this kind of romantic view of that journey at the beginning that, like, they’re so hopeful and so naive, which actually, I think a lot of people were. They were traveling on blind hope; they had no idea what they were traveling towards, or the trials of that journey.”

One memorable scene that Hunt highlighted involved an encounter with Apache tribe membeers, where the characters’ reactions varied significantly. “This is a moment in movie one where we see these Apaches on this mountaintop, and Isabelle’s character and Luke’s character kind of react with threat and fear, and Juliet and Hugh are kind of like in wonder of these people, which I loved. I loved playing.”

Wilson shared a favorite moment from the film, showcasing the contrast between artistic ambition and the harsh realities of the setting. “My favorite part is when you try and hand them his sketchbook and he says, ‘No, I just want to enjoy it.’ That’s such a great moment. Yeah, just that’s what happens. Like, when someone’s trying to be artistic in that environment, they’re in danger. Like, yeah, you know, they’re not cutthroat.”

The nuanced performances and the dedication of the cast in “Horizon” speak to a film that is as much about the journey of its characters as it is about the artistry of filmmaking. Each actor brought a deep sense of commitment and passion to their roles, creating a cinematic experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression on audiences.

“Horizon: An American Saga Chapter One,” written and directed by and starring Kevin Costner and starring Costner, Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington, Abbey Lee, Luke Wilson, Will Patton, Ella Hunt, Isabelle Furhman, Jena Malone, and Michael Rooker, is now in theaters from New Line Cinema and Territory Pictures. Watch the interview with Luke Wilson, Isabelle Fuhrman, Ella Hunt and DeWayne Hamby below.

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