Leftist Politicians Are Not Friends Of Jewish Students

Leftist Politicians Are Not Friends Of Jewish Students May 4, 2024

A Jewish person praying at The Wailing Wall.

A Fearful Time for Jewish Students

When I first started writing my column, I wanted to do it from a place of love. I genuinely didn’t want to attack specific politicians, not even President Biden. I was raised in a politically conservative home by my father, a professor who was continually chased off liberal college campuses during the Vietnam War.


He had a crazy notion that any student who wanted to attend class or God forbid visit the library, should be able to do so. He understood other students had a right to peacefully protest, but when they physically blocked pathways to learning, the line was crossed.


Today, we see on college campuses that this line is crossed all the time. The agitators are more intimidating and violent than anything we’ve seen in decades. If you’re Jewish, you’re there to be harassed and vilified.


I wish my father was around now so I could hear his opinion. But he is talking to me. I can feel him, and I can definitely hear him.


Liberal Jews Fail to See the Truth


I have fond memories of my dad walking door to door to Jewish homes in the suburbs of New York City with paper and pen in hand.  This was in the 1980’s and 90’s, before this country began its recent surge in antisemitism. He was speaking with Jewish liberals about how their party’s policies were detrimental to Jews in this country and the holy nation of Israel. He wanted them to sign his petition organizing a new party, one that supported us. I forget the exact name, but it was possibly Jewish Conservatives for Israel.


Most of the Democrats he spoke with thought he was off the reservation and had no problem telling him as much. After a few weekends, my father stopped campaigning and was ignored by these neighbors when they saw him in public.


I used to wonder if my father was saddened that many people didn’t like him.  The truth is unlike me, he didn’t care one bit.   He cared about his beliefs and his family.  We loved him dearly and realized he lived a life based on a strong moral code.


My Failure to be Like Jesus


When I began the idea for my articles, I wanted to be like Jesus. I still do, but now understand it’s an impossibility. I can never be as perfect as my savior. I can try to live up to my father, but even that is hard.


However, there is an important lesson hidden in the details. I need to strive to be like Jesus anyways.  The fact is I’ll fall short, but I must keep trying. This much I know.


Antisemitism is rearing its ugly head, and it may get far worse before it gets better.  I’m chuckling now as I fondly remember my dad warning my older brother not to attend UMass at Amherst.  He was convinced the campus was too radical.  Oddly enough, my father was a proud graduate of Columbia University.  Sometimes we don’t see the forest for the trees.


If he was alive today, he would let them know what he thought when they would call for donations.  More alumni of such schools need to step up.


I’m Going to Make a Change


My Dad reminds me of the father in the Judd Hirsch film Running on Empty. Running on Empty (1988) – IMDb  Near the conclusion of the film, he says to his son played by River Phoenix “We all love you. Now, go out there and make a difference.  Your mother and I tried. And don’t let anyone tell you any different.”  Running on Empty Quotes, Movie quotes – Movie Quotes .com


I want to make a difference so badly and end the pain and injustice for the Jewish people. Not only because I’m Jewish, but because I’m a human.


Last week, I detailed my theory on antisemitism.  The Truth About Antisemitism | Evan Wechman (patheos.com) In the coming weeks, I am going to try to provide a solution while exposing the liberal politicians that want us to have nothing to do with Israel.  Close to 300 ex-Obama-Biden staffers call to suspend military assistance to Israel (msn.com)


I’ll try my hardest, but I’m left wondering if anyone is listening.


Please share your thoughts and comments below.  I look forward to reading them and engaging in a conversation.

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