Civil War 2, Šāmar, And The IDF

Civil War 2, Šāmar, And The IDF June 22, 2024

Once again, many so-called conservatives are calling for another Civil War and demanding to get what they want politically. The greatest nation in history has never been more divided and it isn’t because of liberals or foreign entities.

Civil War reenactment
Image by Wikipedia Commons

It is un-American and hypocritical to call for civil war and justify it as defending freedom. The truth is many conservatives have become assessed with power and they will do whatever it takes to achieve it. I am a firm believer that the end does not justify the means.

  • Deception
  • Stealing
  • Violence

The Bible teaches us that greatness is awarded by God, not man’s desire or pursuit of it (Matthew 23:12, 1 Peter 5:6, James 4:10.) Jesus rebuked His followers for pursuing greatness (Luke 9:37-56.)

My pastor recently reminded us that greatness comes with a great responsibility. As God’s people we don’t get to abuse our position or power to get what we want in life (Matthew 20:25-28. We rely on the greatness of God, even for our protection.


Protection is a big part of life, especially when we live in a fallen world. Protect is defined as, “To cover, shield, or preserve from harm.”

Let me go ahead and clarify, I am not anti-guns, but pro-gun gun reform.  The forefathers of America had no idea how much guns would evolve over the centuries. Many gun owners would admit there is no need for an automatic or semi-automatic machine gun in the household for personal protection.

Revolutionary War muskets
Image by Wikipedia Commons

God’s people are foreigners in a fallen world that is full of evil. Human nature is evil and cannot control whatever power it may have. God is sovereign and only He can wisely use the unlimited power He has.

That is why God promised to protect His people from Satan and the evil of this world (Matthew 16:18, Luke 10:19, Romans 8:31, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Ephesians 6:10-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, 2 Thessalonians 3:3.)

The Apostle Paul remembered his Jewish upbringing and education about God’s divine protection over His people




Ancient Israel was a powerless people who relied upon God’s protection from the world, Satan, and even themselves. We see a basic spiritual truth about how God chooses the least of the world to do great things (Psalm 8:2, Isaiah 29:14-19, Jeremiah 8:9.)

The Hebrew word used in the Old Testament for protection is šāmar and it can also mean, “Keep, watch, guard, or preserve,” depending on the context it is used in.

God promised to protect Israel like a shepherd does his sheep. God’s protection is part of the Abrahamic covenant with His people (Exodus 14:14, Deuteronomy 31:6, 2 Samuel 22:3-4, Psalm 46:1, Proverbs 18:10, Isaiah 41:10; 54:17.) Today many Jewish households still recite the Hashkiveinu prayer of protection.

  1. Sleep in peace
  2. Shelter
  3. Raise up
  4. Guide
  5. Save

Two of the expectations of the Messiah are He would be a great political leader and military leader to protect God’s people. However, Jesus arrived as a humble baby and became a meager carpenter and teacher.

Jesus teaching children
Image by Pixabay

Even His closest disciples expected and sought earthly greatness. Jesus rebuked them for seeking earthly greatness and power.  James and John wanted to use God’s power for pleasure and self-promotion (Luke 9:54.)

Jesus flipped the script on what true greatness in God’s kingdom is (Matthew 18:1-5, Mark 9:33-37, Luke 9:46-48.) Jesus knew that children must depend on their mothers and fathers to protect them from harm.


This week the IDF continued to force his way into Rafah in his pursuit of revenge against Hamas. Israel has been under constant criticism over its use of military force to seek justice for the heinous attacks last October.

Image by Wikipedia Commons
IDF tank on the move

PM Netanyahu has turned to relying upon himself and the ways of the world to pursue justice from Israel’s enemies. God’s protection is the only true justice for Israel (Psalm 20:7.)  God’s people’s ways are supposed to be different from the corrupt world we live in.

  • Prideful
  • Greedy
  • Power-hungry

We cannot defend or defeat evil with evil, only good can defeat evil (Proverbs 16:32, Luke 6:27-30, Romans 12:21.) There is no defending or justifying using evil against evil.

Jesus taught his followers not to repay evil for evil (Matthew 5:38.) Conservatives cannot forget their call to be different from the world. Fighting evil with evil isn’t how God šāmar!



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