God Used Me in My Weakness

God Used Me in My Weakness June 13, 2024

Girls dressed in Princess Outfits
Princess Banquet, Photo by Sherrie Limitone

Too Sick to Perform

I needed to get ready.  As I peeled myself out of bed and moved toward the hotel bathroom, in came screaming, giggling young ladies. Wet hair and tee shirts clinging to their wet bodies, told the story of fun at the pool. Waifs of chlorine filled the air. I excused myself to the hall to let them prepare for tonight’s Princess banquet and headed to the neighboring room where the other moms were gathered. Knock. Knock. Knock. I needed reassurance.

Kanaka opened the door to me. “Hey Faith. How are you holding up? Regan told me you were not feeling well.”

“Yeah. I’m unsure if it’s nerves or illness, but I’m not well. Can you guys pray for me?”

We bowed our heads, and Kanaka and Cathy lifted me in prayer. I surrendered my everything to God that night and was ready to share my testimony. I was prepared and I knew God asked this of me. But, I also knew I was too sick to do it alone. The prayer ended and the sickness remained. Ugh! I inched back to my room where I was met with more giggles and frilly dresses. Curly hair, perfume, jewelry, gowns, and tiaras. What a beautiful sight! I laid on the bed and listened to all the banter from the bathroom. What a delight to hear their excitement.

Talking to God

God. I can’t do this.

I know you can’t.

How should I proceed?

Trust me.

I do trust you.

Get dressed, Daughter, we have lives to touch.

Obeying God Even When It’s Hard

I sat up and changed into my princess outfit. Fighting nausea, body aches, and diarrhea, I managed to clean up nicely. I gathered my notes and headed into the hallway where Kanaka, Cathy, and the girls were waiting for me. Together, we walked to the parking lot and drove to the venue.

I waited outside the banquet hall as the others filed inside. If I was contagious, I didn’t want to give this to anyone. Also, shaking hands and being polite was anything but on my to-do list right now. I listened as each girl was escorted into the banquet hall; each name was announced as she entered. “Princess Regan,” as my daughter was escorted to her seat. I could feel my insides warm. I was so proud of the young woman she was becoming. She was about to hear my testimony in full for the first time. Protect her heart, Lord.

My friend, Sherrie Limitone, took the stage. I knew I would soon be introduced. I entered the banquet hall, sat at a table near the back, and waited. Still fighting the possibility of passing out from extreme dehydration and exhaustion, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I trust you, Lord. On the exhale, Sherrie introduced me.

Holy Spirit Shows Up

I felt a slow tingle climb my body. It was magical and wonderful. I felt as if the top of my head was cut off like a pumpkin. God reached in and scooped out all doubt and fear. Then, when all was cleaned out, he poured himself into me, His light filled me up from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. All sickness left my body. Thank you, Holy Spirit. At that moment I forgot I had been sick. I stood during the applause and floated to the stage.

I was on fire. God’s holy fire! Not only was I no longer sick, but I also remember sharing my testimony, reciting a 2-minute poem, and performing two songs with American Sign Language all while walking through the crowd of more than 30 girls – no Princesses, God’s daughters – touching them and admiring their outfits and accessories. Not once did I falter in my speech, nor did I miss one piece of what God would have me share. I concluded the night by presenting each princess with three gifts, a daily devotional, Jesus Calling, By Sarah Young, the Mandisa CD, What if We Were Real, and my story, Eva Says You’re My Dad.

God’s Promises Revealed

When finished, Sherrie announced I would be sitting at the table in the back if anyone wished to have a signed copy of my book. Because God asked me to touch on each piece of my testimony, EVERY girl came forward and spoke with me about the part of my testimony that resonated with them the most.

One girl stepped forward. “The part of your testimony when you were four, that happened to me.” I reached out and held her hand before returning the book to her with a scripture reference and my signature.

Another girl stepped forward. She handed me a copy of my book. “The part of your testimony when you were twelve, I’m living that right now.”

I looked up at her, tears streaming down both our cheeks. “Can I pray with you?”

She nodded her head.

I stood. We fell into a tight embrace, and she wept in my arms as I prayed.

One after another they came. Each one shared. I finally realized why God had me share my extensive testimony in bullet point form. He knew exactly what these girls, HIS GIRLS, needed. I was so grateful to be a participant in God’s ministry. His love for His girls was all that mattered that night.

Satan Panics

It’s hard for us to comprehend that saying, “Yes” to God creates panic in Satan. We must prepare for his wicked ways. He will do whatever it takes to stop us from doing God’s will. But Jesus reminds us that with His protection (Holy Spirit) the evil one does not touch us. 1 John 5:18

Help me, Lord, to remember the results and not dwell on the struggles that lead to Your perfect outcomes. You are always enough!

About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It's her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.
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