July 11, 2024

Every day, voices tells us to be terrified – “what if this happens?” “How will we survive that?” Listen to God: “Don’t walk in the way of this people. Don’t be terrified!” Scripture:        Isaiah, chapters 8-10; Hebrews, chapter 8 Isaiah 8:11-15 (CEB): The Lord spoke to me, taking hold of me and warning me not to walk in the way of this people: “Don’t call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy. Don’t fear what they fear, and don’t be... Read more

July 9, 2024

Our world tells us to “grab for all you can get.” God calls us to grasp the hope of his promise, “which is a safe and secure anchor for our whole being” (Hebrews 6:19)! Scripture:        Micah, chapters 1-4; Hebrews, chapter 6 Hebrews 6:13-20 (CEB): When God gave Abraham his promise, he swore by himself since he couldn’t swear by anyone greater. He said, “I will certainly bless you and multiply your descendants.” So Abraham obtained the promise by showing patience.... Read more

July 8, 2024

Our world is marked by division, conflict, and strife. Where do we find encouragement? The psalmist tells us: “Know that the Lord is God!” Scripture:        Hosea, chapters 13-14; Psalms 100, 102; Hebrews, chapter 5 Psalm 100 (CEB): Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with celebration! Come before him with shouts of joy! Know that the Lord is God – he made us; we belong to him. We are his people, the sheep of his own... Read more

July 3, 2024

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.” How can we guard against the temptations of power? Scripture: 2 Chronicles, chapters 26-27; Isaiah, chapters 6-7; Philemon 2 Chronicles 26:3-5 (CEB): Uzziah was 16 years old when he became king, and he ruled for fifty-two years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Jecoliah; she was from Jerusalem. He did what was right in the Lord’s eyes, just as his father Amaziah had done. He sought God as long... Read more

July 2, 2024

“Right is right, even if no one does it; wrong is wrong, even if everyone does it.” There is a slippery slope when we start calling evil good! Scripture:        Isaiah, chapters 4-5; Psalms 115 and 116; Jude Isaiah 5:18-24 (CEB): Doom to those who drag guilt along with cords of fraud, and haul sin as if with cart ropes, who say, “God should hurry and work faster so we can see; let the plan of Israel’s holy one come quickly,... Read more

July 1, 2024

Many people – both believers and unbelievers – are fascinated by the topic of “the day of the Lord.” What will happen, and how do we prepare for it? Scripture:        Isaiah, chapters 1-3; Titus, chapter 3 Isaiah 2:12-18 (CEB): The Lord of heavenly forces has planned a day: against all that is prideful and haughty; against all that is lofty, and it will be laid low; against all the cedars of Lebanon, high and lofty; against all the oaks of... Read more

June 28, 2024

There is no “my” truth, and “your” truth; there is simply truth. How – and why – do we speak the truth to those who don’t want to hear it? Scripture:        Amos, chapters 1-3; Psalm 80; 2 Timothy, chapter 4 2 Timothy 4:1-5 (CEB): I’m giving you this commission in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is coming to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearance and his kingdom. Preach the word. Be ready... Read more

June 25, 2024

What does “evangelism” mean? Sharing the good news! Or, as Paul says in 2 Timothy 1, “promote the promise of life in Christ.” Scripture:        Joel, chapters 1-3; 2 Timothy, chapter 1 2 Timothy 1:1-7 (CEB): From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by God’s will, to promote the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus. To Timothy, my dear child. Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. I’m grateful to God, whom I... Read more

June 24, 2024

Our culture is driven by conflict. The Apostle Paul warns against “a sick obsession with debates and arguments.” Can debates and arguments hinder our spiritual growth? Scripture:        2 Kings, chapters 11-12; 2 Chronicles, chapter 24; 1 Timothy, chapter 6 1 Timothy 6:3-10 (CEB): If anyone teaches anything different and doesn’t agree with sound teaching about our Lord Jesus Christ and teaching that is consistent with godliness, that person is conceited. They don’t understand anything but have a sick obsession with... Read more

June 19, 2024

Not everything that sounds biblical is biblically sound. How can we avoid being “distracted by talk that doesn’t mean anything”? Scripture:        2 Kings, chapters 1-3; Psalm 82; 1 Timothy, chapter 1 1 Timothy 1:3-11 (CEB): When I left for Macedonia, I asked you to stay behind in Ephesus so that you could instruct certain individuals not to spread wrong teaching. They shouldn’t pay attention to myths and endless genealogies. Their teaching only causes useless guessing games instead of faithfulness to... Read more

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