July 12, 2024

Our lives are busy. Whether you are taking your kids to school, soccer practice, dance lessons, or church activities, our schedules are full of good things. Christian family life is an abundant life! But, only because of Jesus!  So, how do we make time for family discipleship with a busy schedule? Everyday Moments We don’t need to stop what we are already doing to be intentional with family discipleship. God gives us clear directions on how to disciple our children,... Read more

July 6, 2024

If you are a parent you are most likely familiar with power struggles. Whether it is a two-year-old refusing to get buckled in their car seat or a twelve-year-old refusing to take a shower, children find ways to assert control over their lives. Should you respond with play or punishment? (This may contain some affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using these links. For more information,... Read more

June 29, 2024

Do you ever dread taking your kids to the park because you know that when it is time to leave you will probably end up chasing them around to get them back into the car? It leaves the hard, embarrassing power struggle as the last memory of an otherwise fun trip. You may even ask yourself, “Why did I think it would be different this time?” Maybe it isn’t always our kids that need to change their behavior, but how... Read more

June 22, 2024

In November, I introduced you to the Connected Families Framework to teach your children grace and truth during discipline. Proverbs 3:12 (NLT) tells us, “For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.” When we discipline intentionally and like our Father, we discipline in a way that disciples our children’s hearts and faith. This is a discipline based on relationships, not rules. It goes beyond behaviors to changing hearts. As a... Read more

June 15, 2024

Who do you call when you are at the end of your rope in parenting? Do you have a friend that you trust or call your parent? Maybe you feel alone? This could be where a Christian Parent Coach could be helpful. But, what is a Christian Parent Coach? What is a Christian Parent Coach? On Created to Play, I define a parent coach as “someone trained to help you, encourage you, and equip you to become the parent you... Read more

June 8, 2024

Parenting would be much more enjoyable if we didn’t have to manage our children’s behavior continually. Well, guess what! You don’t have to. You could spend your time mentoring your children’s beliefs in themselves and let them learn manage their own behavior. Doesn’t that sound more pleasant? Long-Term vs. Short-Term Parenting Goals Each day of parenting we face many choices. It is exhausting. But, we can decide whether to make intentional choices or not.  When we are angry and triggered,... Read more

May 25, 2024

We all need play, no matter how old we are. Play is beneficial to our mental health, physical health, our relationships, and our joy. As Christian parents, play can also be important in modeling the abundant life with Christ to our children.  For play to be most beneficial, it doesn’t matter what you do as much as how you feel. Any activity that you do by choice, without purpose, and enjoy can be play. God designed us each uniquely, which... Read more

May 18, 2024

Did you know that the opposite of a trigger is a glimmer? As a mama to 5, I am well aware of what a trigger is and can often stew in them, despite my better judgment. Yet, I don’t always recognize or spend time enjoying the glimmers. These glimmers have the power to fix my eye on Jesus and my children in a more biblical way. Glimmers can also remind me of the joy of parenting even when parenting is... Read more

May 12, 2024

Parents, is your to-do list never-ending? Do you feel you can’t get enough done for your kids and family? You have dreams, hopes, and great intentions for your children’s discipleship and discipline, but you feel like you don’t measure up. There isn’t enough time. I invite you to stop looking at what you could do and look instead at what you are doing and how God sees it.  So Many Family Discipleship Options If you are anything like me, you... Read more

May 4, 2024

If you are a parent, you have probably dealt with your fair share of power struggles. What do you? What is your typical approach? Do you need to stand your ground to show your child who is boss? Do you give in to get it over with? Or, are you somewhere in between? Perhaps, power struggles are not our battles to fight and we can confidently not engage through play to save the day. This is what happened to me... Read more

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