Faith, Politics, and Sanity: Navigating with The God Squad

Faith, Politics, and Sanity: Navigating with The God Squad July 12, 2024

In the evolving landscape of American faith and politics, the intersection of these domains has never been more contentious. In the latest episode of the brand new The God Squad Podcast, which streams live every Thursday at 5 PM PST, and features hosts Dillon Naber Cruz, Desimber Rose, and Keith Giles, the Squad dives into these turbulent waters with a keen focus on the pressing issues of our time, particularly the rise of Christian nationalism and its implications for democracy and true Christian values.

The Rise of Christian Nationalism

The discussion begins with a critical examination of Christian nationalism, a growing force in American politics that seeks to merge Christian identity with national identity. This movement, which has gained significant traction in recent years, is seen by The Squad as a profound threat not only to the secular nature of the American democratic system but also to the essence of Christianity itself. According to the hosts, Christian nationalism distorts the teachings of Jesus, transforming a faith centered on love, compassion, and humility into a tool for political power and exclusion.

Project 2025: A Threat to Democracy

Central to the conversation is Project 2025, an initiative that is the major threat to American democracy. Keith Giles emphasizes that, until very recently, while this project may be less known than other political movements, its potential impact is profound. Project 2025 represents a concerted effort by certain political factions to reshape American governance in a way that aligns with their Christian nationalist ideology. This involves not just influencing elections but fundamentally altering the structures and policies that define American democracy.

Agenda 47: Rebranding or Reinforcement?

The podcast also delves into Agenda 47, a term that initially confused many, including the hosts. Keith Giles shares his journey of discovery, highlighting how Agenda 47 is often misunderstood as merely a rebranding of Project 2025. However, it represents a broader and more insidious plan to implement a Christian nationalist agenda under the guise of political reform. The discussion underscores the importance of understanding these movements in their entirety, recognizing that rebranding does not change the underlying objectives and potential consequences.

Faith and Political Activism

Throughout the conversation, The Squad emphasizes the critical need for clarity and vigilance among Christians who genuinely seek to follow the teachings of Jesus. The hosts argue that true Christian faith should inspire believers to advocate for justice, peace, and the common good, rather than aligning with divisive and exclusionary political movements. They call on Christians to reclaim their faith from those who would use it as a tool for political gain, urging a return to the core values of love, service, and humility.

The Role of Sanity in Political Discourse

In a world increasingly polarized by political ideologies, The Squad champions the need for sanity in political discourse. This involves not only a rational and informed approach to political issues but also a commitment to empathy and understanding. The hosts stress that maintaining sanity requires a rejection of the fear-mongering and divisiveness often propagated by extremist movements such as the ones we face today. Instead, they advocate for dialogue and cooperation, seeking common ground even with those who hold differing views, while maintaining healthy boundaries with those who are toxic and dangerous.

Navigating the Future

As the podcast episode concludes, The Squad leaves listeners with a sense of urgency and hope. They emphasize that the challenges posed by Christian nationalism are significant, but not insurmountable. The path forward requires courage, clarity, and a steadfast commitment to the true principles of both democracy and the Christian faith.


In the face of growing Christian nationalism, it is crucial for believers to discern the difference between faith and political ideology. The God Squad’s exploration of these themes serves as a call to action for Christians to engage in the political process with integrity and a commitment to the common good. By remaining informed and vigilant, and by grounding their actions in the teachings of Jesus, Christians can help ensure that their faith remains a force for unity and compassion in an increasingly divided world.

Check out The God Squad on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.




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About Matthew John Distefano
Matthew J. Distefano is an author, blogger, podcaster, and publisher. He lives in Northern California with his wife and daughter You can read more about the author here.
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