Just You & Me God ~ For Such a Time as This ~ Part 1

Just You & Me God ~ For Such a Time as This ~ Part 1 May 4, 2024

Picture of Balcony View of Myrtle Beach, coffee, journal and Bible
There’s just something special about a beach sunrise, a Bible, a Journal and a good cup of coffee to start the day! ~ Photo courtesy of the author.

I have been pondering a subject to write about this past week, but nothing specific came to my mind. We took a little vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC this past weekend and each morning I would get up, grab my coffee, Bible, journal and head for the balcony. My original intention was to turn in my Bible and create a post for Facebook, Instagram and Patheos. Daily I read, but nothing grabbed my attention as something I should share in those moments.

On the last morning of my trip I started writing in my journal, pouring out my thoughts with pen and paper, as has been my habit for many years. I did not post anything while I was at the beach. Now that I am home, I went back and read the words I wrote, and I realize that my journal pages is what I am meant to share. Strangely enough, my post is already written, unbeknownst to me at the time. I even had a title written right there on those pages:  Just You & Me God ~ For Such a Time as This. 

Journaling is How The Dream Began

Journaling is how my dream of writing began, and it has always been my way of communicating my innermost feelings, and prayers with God over the years. At the same time, it is also God’s way of communicating with me and teaching me new things. During my Bible study and journaling times, I would write notes and scriptures so that I could one day look back at things God taught me.

Ocean, sand and waves view with text that says, My Happy Place!
I am a Beach kind of girl! The sights and sounds bring joy to my weary soul! Therefore, calling this “My Happy Place” is a fitting description of how I feel. ~ Photo Courtesy of the Author.

In the early years, I thought that my words would always be between God and myself. However, as years passed by, I began to ask God for a way that I could actually share some of the things I was learning and writing about with others.

Somehow, the things I was learning was too good to keep to myself, and the idea that my words might encourage someone else, or help them in some way, meant I needed a way to share. My prayer was for the courage to step out to try new things and centered around a greater desire to share the Gospel of Jesus with as many as possible.

Jesus explains the gospel this way:  Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 (NIV)

Writing a column on Patheos is just one of the opportunities that God has provided as an answer to my prayers, so far! I am continuing to ask God to open doors to new things, and truly excited to see where He leads me!

Realizing My Journal Post is Meant to be Shared

Picture this:  I am sitting on a fourth story balcony, watching the sun rise over the ocean, in the quietness of the morning. I am all alone, and the peacefulness of the moment draws me in, as I look at all that God created. Now I find myself wanting to freeze time for just a little while as I look at the magnificent beauty surrounding me… then after a few minutes, I began to write:

It’s the last day of my vacation and I am sitting alone on the balcony, listening to the crash of the waves. The sheer vastness of the ocean is amazing, and I realize that what I see is only a tiny portion of God’s Creation. The thought hits me of just how small a part I play in the whole scheme of things.

I Cannot Begin to Fathom All that God Holds in His Hands in a Single Moment in Time

I’m afraid that I am truly and utterly guilty of taking way too much for granted! Just the thoughts that God awakens me each day, and watches over me each night as I sleep, is worthy of so much praise. But then, when I think about how God does this for each of my family members, my friends and colleagues, and every human being on the planet, it’s overwhelming.

God controls it all, every minute of every day. He is the giver of life to all creation, even down to the tiniest living things in the great big ocean I am gazing over. Every big and small thing that flies in this big beautiful sky, or lives upon the ground. He controls the tide coming in, and going out, in perfect harmony. The sun rising and setting, and the moon giving light at night. All things that I take for granted unfortunately.

The Wisdom and Power of God is Unfathomable for My Human Mind

God, your infinite ability to give life, protect life, and watch over even the smallest details is simply baffling, just to be quite honest. It overwhelms me to think that You know me, love me, and even see me at all in the midst of all that Your Hands attend to.

Yet, here I am, seeking Your face this morning, and I sense Your Presence. Nature has a way of connecting me to You easily in moments like this. It’s easy to see Your creative side, and wonder at all the works of Your hands. It is so peaceful, and so needed.

Thank You God for meeting me in this time and place. You knew that I would be sitting right here, long before I did. You knew my heart and mind would desire to connect with You intimately, and You made it all possible. I give You Praise!

Orange hued sunrise at Myrtle Beach SC! A Beautiful way to start the day!
The quiet of a morning sunrise on the beach is one of my favorite things! I sense God’s Presence all around me! ! Photo courtesy of the author.

For Such a Time as This

It is amazing God, that You orchestrated this time specifically for you and me. Down to the tiniest detail that brought me here this morning. Father, You set this time apart, long before I had a clue where life would take me. You already had plans in motion, You had reasons for all the things that I have walked through in my fifty-seven years of life. The good, and the not so good, and every bit of those things led me here today.

Praise and Gratefulness

I can never express my gratitude enough. I praise You this morning for who You are, and for all the blessings in my life. Year after year, You have been faithful, and so so good to me. Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus, and Thank You Holy Spirit!

  • Thank You Father, for all that You make possible! Thank You for my life, and for loving me unconditionally.
  • Thank You Jesus, for being My Savior! Thank You for loving me enough to die on the cross and suffer soo much. Thank You for taking my sins upon Yourself when You did not deserve it.
  • Thank You Holy Spirit, for guidance and comfort in the good and bad times of my life! Thank You for continuously working in me to draw me closer to the Father’s will for my life. Holy Spirit grow me, show me and teach me. Give me wisdom and discernment!

My Prayer is that You use me God, open my eyes to see and my ears to hear what You want me to share. Let Your will be done, and thank you for this specific moment in time for You and Me. I am here For Such a Time as This!

There’s More to be Shared ~ Part 2 coming soon…

You can also check out a post I previously shared about The Gospel of Jesus to learn more about it:   “Just Jesus ~ Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life”



“Just Jesus” ~ Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

About Teresa Holbrooks Nichols
On the last morning of my trip, I starting writing in my journal, pouring out my thoughts with pen and paper, as has been my habit for many years. As I looked back at the words I wrote, I realized that this is what I am meant to share. Strangely enough, my post is already written, unbeknownst to me at the time. I even had a title written right there on those pages:  Just You & Me God ~ For Such a Time as This. Picture this:  I am sitting on a fourth story balcony, watching the sun rise over the ocean, in the quietness of the morning. All alone, drawing in a deep breathe, as I take it all in. Wanting to freeze time for a little while as I look at the beauty surrounding me... and after a few minutes, I began to write... You can read more about the author here.

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