Consider the Time

Consider the Time June 13, 2024

Time is probably my most precious commodity.

I think I have my mind wrapped around the concept of lifespan, and so does the Psalmist.

My times are in your hand;
deliver me from the hand of my enemies and persecutors.
Psalm 31.15

“My times are in your hand…”

My son is visiting me right now for a set time. I’m enjoying every moment. However, the clock is ticking. As a Father I understand the swiftness of time and know the days until I will once again be without him. Every moment is a priceless commodity.

Perhaps our Heavenly Father holds our lives and our times in His hands with the same joy that I have as I treasure each moment with my son.

He cherishes and knows our times.

Although I tend to understand what the Psalmist says, I have difficulty with another category of times.

There are times when hopes and promises will be fulfilled.

Expectation will become realization.

He replied, ‘It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.
Acts 1.7

Jesus says these types of times are in the Father’s hands as well.

And that’s the rub isn’t it?

We know there is good yet to come, perhaps healing or deliverance. Maybe it is a promise to be fulfilled.

There are things I have been waiting on for 8 months now. There are hopes I have been waiting on for decades.

I would like to know the times, and at times I have been given clues to the timing.

But now I wait eagerly, just like the Disciples. Jesus redirected the Disciples. Apparently, they had asked the wrong question.

They were asking about the completion of the times.

Jesus spoke to them about the beginning of a new time, a new era in the Holy Ghost.

And so it is often for us.

Is this the time for God to bring things to fruition?

Or is this the time for our Father to launch something completely new?

dc Talk
Time Is…

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