Divine Wrath for American Tyrants?—SOUL #17

Divine Wrath for American Tyrants?—SOUL #17 July 2, 2024

SOURCE: kalhh / Pixabay

SOUL SCIENCE #17 “News and Reviews”

In the latest installment of SOUL SCIENCE, I cover the shocking and eye-opening presidential debate. Joe Biden didn’t simply have a “bad” night.  Biden showed that he is cognitively nonfunctional. He could not form basic words or coherent sentences. I play a clip of the debate for you on the show.

Megyn Kelly Show—Biden Lost at G7

According to a report from The Megan Kelly Show, Biden was not able to attend any of the substantive G7 conferences, and he was not able to understand material being presented. As many have observed, the Biden presidency constitutes a national security crisis.  The most important question raised by the debate is this: Who’s running the country? The answer is frightening. Our country is being run by an unelected, deep-state cabal. Representative government “by the people, for the people” is out the window.

Bannon Goes to Jail

Meanwhile, Steve Bannon reported to jail. And Donald Trump may be right behind him. Rudy Giuliani was stripped of his law license. Pro-life Christians are in jail for praying. And parents who show up to school board meetings are “domestic terrorists.”  We are seeing the persecution of Christians and anyone that dares to disagree with the Democratic Party.

The Quito Prophecy: God Will Punish Tyrants

I connected the past week’s news to my previous show on Medjugorje. On episode 16, I reported that Marija the visionary was asking everyone to pray for peace. Could Mary be worried about political unrest in America? In this episode, I report that the visionary was leading the pilgrims in singing “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”  I also report on the ancient Quito prophecies. These are approved apparitions of Mary that are now 400 years old.  They predict a punishment for the people of the 20th and 21st century. One of the reasons for this divine chastisement? Political tyranny:

“When evil seems triumphant and when authority abuses its power, committing all manner of injustice and oppressing the weak, their ruin shall be near. They will fall and crash to the ground. Then will the Church, joyful and triumphant like a young girl, reawaken and comfortably cradled in the arms of my most dear and elect son of those times.”—Our Lady of the Good Success of the Purification via The Lepanto Institute

About John Gravino
John Gravino is the author of The Immoral Landscape of the New Atheism, which was the topic of a health and spirituality seminar at Duke Medical School. He continues to explore the intersection of health and religion and the other big questions of life right here at Patheos. You can read more about the author here.
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Divine Wrath for American Tyrants?—SOUL #17
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Divine Wrath for American Tyrants?—SOUL #17
"Joe Biden didn’t simply have a “bad” night.He did in fact show exactly that. Meanwhile, ..."

Divine Wrath for American Tyrants?—SOUL #17
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