Who’s Really in Charge in America?

Who’s Really in Charge in America? July 10, 2024

I have to admit, the brouhaha over Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline makes me crazy.

That’s because some of us have been warning about it almost from the day he took office.

In June 2021, just six months after his inauguration, I wrote this:

“Joe Biden is ostensibly the president, yet he continues to show signs of cognitive impairment – despite the controlled media insistence that all is well and there is nothing to see here.

“A politician for more than 40 years, Biden is still able to read prepared remarks in front of a TelePrompter but appears to have difficulty answering impromptu questions – fumbling ordinary words, forgetting what he was speaking about in mid-sentence, sometimes even ceasing to speak altogether.

“After a number of high-profile gaffes, the White House press office recently conceded that Biden’s handlers don’t want him answering unscripted questions from the media.

A month before that, in May, a group of 124 retired U.S. military admirals and generals had signed a letter questioning Biden’s fitness for office.

“Recent Democrat leadership’s inquiries about nuclear code procedures sends a dangerous national security signal to nuclear armed adversaries, raising the question about who is in charge,” the letter said. “We must always have an unquestionable chain of command.”

Joe Biden speaks on the phone with the president of Mexico in May 2023. Source: Wikimedia Commons

This was in May 2021… more than three years ago!

The letter was referring to a call by House Democrats that Biden give up sole control of U.S. nuclear weapons.

In a letter written by Rep. Jimmy Panetta of California, the Democrats demanded that Biden change the command-and-control structure surrounding America’s nuclear arsenal so that he no longer has the sole authority to launch weapons.

The retired admirals and generals also questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election, a topic that the nation’s corporate media have declared off-limits from any public discussion.

The “Constitutional Republic is lost” without “fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the ‘will of the people,’” the retired flag officers wrote.  “The FBI and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020.”

The corporate media have declared any questioning of the 2020 election to be a “big lie,” a phrase taken from World War II.  The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler in his autobiography Mein Kampf and is used to mean “a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the facts, especially when used as a propaganda device by a politician or official body.”

Yet Republican leaders have turned the phrase itself against the corporate media, insisting that it is the corporate media, rather than ordinary Americans, that are engaged in overt propaganda.  Biden’s recent performance on the debate stage has proven that to hundreds of millions of people all over the world.  It’s become painfully clear to most that the controlled corporate media have been covering up Biden’s mental decline… for years.

As for the 2020 election, the media narrative has been that January 6th was an “insurrection” by an “armed mob” that “killed police.”

After years of investigations, it turned out that law enforcement did not find a single weapon on any of the protestersvideo surveillance footage reveals most were comically peaceful, and the sole policeman who died at the time was a victim of a stroke, not of any attack as the media repeatedly and falsely reported.

As for the public at large, polls show that many ordinary Americans continue to question the results of the 2020 election – despite being ordered not to by the corporate media.

According to Rasmussen Reports, “voters are not letting go of their belief that the 2020 presidential election was a fraud-filled nightmare.”

By a margin of 51% to 44%, voters said it is “likely” that cheating affected the outcome. That included 74% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats.

The corporate media and Democrat politicians claim cheating rarely happens, and that there is no evidence of “widespread” voter fraud.  Yet they deliberately ignore the obvious fact that, due to the “winner take all” electoral college voting system, “widespread” cheating would not have been necessary.  Just a little cheating would have worked just fine.

As journalists Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes claimed in their book, Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency, Biden only won the election with a slim cumulative margin of about 50,000 votes in four key swing states.

In addition, a month after the election, Time Magazine published an article that described how “a ‘well-funded cabal’ of corporate elites, far-left activists and media organizations launched what the magazine called a “conspiracy to save the 2020 election” and ensure that Trump would lose his reelection bid.

According to the article, this powerful group of corporate and media elites succeeded by “working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

The letter from 124 retired U.S. military admirals and generals showed that, even three years ago, many top leaders were worried that a corporate takeover of American government had indeed occurred, that there was a “coup” but that it was organized by corporate oligarchs, not raging Boomers on January 6th.

Following Joe Biden’s complete mental breakdown during the first Biden-Trump debate in July, in which he struggled to put even three coherent sentences together, the question has returned with dramatic force:  Who is really in charge of America? 

It’s clearly not Joe Biden.

Is it his wife Jill?  A group made up of former Obama Administration officials?  The tech billionaires who fund the Democrat Party?

No one knows.

It’s becoming increasingly clear even to “normies,” the people who believe whatever the corporate media tell them, that America is veering dangerously close to a banana republic, with what they used to call a secret “junta” in charge.

Never forget that many Democrats specialize in projection:  whatever they say Republicans will do, you can bet money that it’s what they are already doing themselves… or have done.

Now they’re claiming that electing someone they don’t like will mean the “end of democracy” (or, more accurately, the end of the Democrat Party).

But that may well be because they’ve already ended it themselves.

Author Robert J Hutchinson
Patheos writer Robert J Hutchinson in Munich. Photo by Robert Hutchinson

Robert J. Hutchinson is an award-winning Catholic writer and the author of numerous books of popular history, including Searching for Jesus: New Discoveries in the Quest for Jesus of Nazareth (Thomas Nelson), The Dawn of Christianity (Thomas Nelson), The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible (Regnery) and When in Rome: A Journal of Life in Vatican City (Doubleday). Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he attended Catholic schools, studied philosophy at a Jesuit university, moved to Israel to learn Hebrew, and then earned a degree in New Testament studies. Hutchinson is currently pursuing graduate studies in the Philosophy of Religion in Europe and writes for many publications. You can read more about the author at www.RobertHutchinson.com.

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