A Sheepish Request on a Sick Day

A Sheepish Request on a Sick Day June 12, 2024

a bowl of chicken soup with crackers on a table
image via pixabay


Hi guys,

I absolutely hate doing emergency appeals; for months I’ve been trying to just do the regular monthly updates on all the places I’m writing and how to follow me on social media with the tip jar at the end. I’ll have a normal post worth your time up on the blog as soon as I possibly can. It’s just that I’ve gotten into the worst jam since November, which is the last time I had to do a special post asking for help. Let’s hope I can go longer than seven months next time!

As I mentioned the last several times I wrote on the blog, I have been very sick this month. It will probably be under control now that I have a diagnosis and meds, but the first step of the Augmentin has been to make me feel sicker because it’s a heavy duty antibiotic horse pill. I have been trying to keep sharing old content on social media all week because my writing speed is so low, but it’s hard to even keep my head clear to sit at the computer. I can’t even do my regular bantering on X/Twitter as much as usual. I’ve had the tab for this measly tiny post open for hours and I’m so exhausted all I’ve done is drowse and play games on my phone, just to give you an idea. As you know, I live on my books and the hits on my blog and my different writing projects bit by bit, plus the tip jar. I don’t happen to have had a paying gig writing for the newspaper the last few weeks and I finished my Lives of the Saints writing project and already got paid for it last month,  so June was already going to be a dry patch. Now we’re coming up empty. Writers don’t get sick days.

Rent is due to be mailed on the fifteenth, but right now we don’t have it. We have an overdraft instead.

If you’re already a regular contributor to my blog tip jar and that’s all you can do, I certainly don’t expect more. If you just can’t afford to slip me a few bucks now and then but you like reading , that’s wonderful, and enjoying and sharing my work is the absolute best way to help me make ends meet. I don’t want to guilt anybody into doing what they can’t afford. But if you’ve been meaning to leave a tip in appreciation of my writing, well, now would be a great time.

I have a paypal donate page here; the button says “donate” but I report those payments to the IRS as income so they’re not anything like charitable donations; they’re just the same as leaving a few dollars for your waiter. It says you’re donating to “The Little Portion” because that’s the name of an Etsy craft shop I used to have and I never changed the Paypal name. It actually goes to me.

I also have a Venmo if you’d rather use that.

Thank you so much for all your support, and now I’ll go crawl into a hole from embarrassment and try to be back in the saddle soon!

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