May 30, 2024

Every year PBS broadcasts the National Memorial Day Concert from Washington D.C.  This year it was it’s 35th Anniversary.  It featured actors and actresses reading stories of vets who were in attendance, patriotic pomp and circumstance, and  moving musical tributes to those veterans who have passed on as well as those who are still with us.  This is a concert that is worth watching every year because the production is so well done.  This year’s concert was no exception. I... Read more

April 28, 2024

Every April is National Poetry Month in the United States.  This is a month that is very special to me because I happen to write poetry (on and off), and I have several favorite poets I like to read.   Since this special month is coming to a close, I would like to talk about my journey with poetry and why this month especially is close to my heart. So, how did I get into poetry? I had written some lines... Read more

March 13, 2024

Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” It’s that time of year!  Spring cleaning!  Time to open up our windows, air our the stale air and dust that’s been kept inside from the cold, and refresh our spaces.  Why is this such an important part of our life as we change from a colder season to a warmer or should be?  It’s because Spring is the symbol of renewal and... Read more

January 15, 2024

Everyone loves a little bit of trivia.  Trivia of any form is interesting whether it is religious or not.  I know personally for me, I’m a sucker for it.  Having said that. here are some of my favorite Catholic trivia questions I’ve found online from various sources that I thought would be of interest to the Catholic and non-Catholic a like.  Links to sources are at the bottom for more research and fun. How many Catholics are there in the... Read more

December 15, 2023

When it comes to music, Christmas is the time of year where just one theme creates magic for all of us: family gatherings, snow on the ground, the birth of Jesus Christ, and the list goes on.  One of the most traditional of these songs is the classic choral hymn sung at almost every Christmas concerts, Christmas Eve Masses and services, etc.  That is the famous Handel’s Hallelujah, which is part of the world famous Handel’s Messiah. Handel’s Messiah has... Read more

December 4, 2023

It’s that time of year when we start looking in our address books to figure out who still has the same address and who does not.  Why?  Because for most of us, the holidays are the only of time of year when we get in touch with our friends and family the old-fashioned way: Christmas cards.  In the age of technology where sending an email card is more convenient or when just posting Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, or whatever holiday... Read more

October 8, 2023

There are so many kinds of taco dip recipes out there. All you have to do is an Internet search  My mother always made a taco dip for various occasions and church functions.  It was her most requested appetizer.  Some people had even asked for the recipe.  The following is the fan favorite. Ingredients: Base ingredients:  1 cup to half cup of sour cream 1 jar of your choice of salsa 8 0z. Cream cheese (softened) Toppings:  Shredded lettuce –... Read more

August 7, 2023

The new Barbie movie has made conservatives go up in arms about its feminist and other liberal content and themes.  Jason Aldean’s song “Try That in a Small Town” has created furor on the other side of the aisle for it’s video imagery and some of the lyrics to the song.  These are two different forms of entertainment that has triggered the Internet world.  When in reality, the topic of the debates are the same but coming from different perspectives.... Read more

May 28, 2023

You probably often wonder exactly how many Jewish players are in the NBA.  The percentage is not really a high number.  In fact it is only 1.8% according to a Pew Research Center study.  The community is hardworking and is dedicated to the sport of basketball every since they were  integrated into the NBA. David Stern, former NBA commissioner opened the doors for more international players to join the NBA, making sure that the sport was broadcasted around the world... Read more

May 9, 2023

Around Ash Wednesday, I wrote about Mark Wahlberg and his strong Catholic faith.  However, he is not the only Catholic celebrity out there.  The following listed are other celebrities of note that you may or may not know that are Catholic or have a strong Catholic background.   Some Pretty Devout Catholics Mel Gibson Mel Gibson is a very outspoken Catholic. This was very noticeable after the success of the Passion of the Christ, which he directed.  However, he doesn’t... Read more

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