May 21, 2024

5. It’s Boring I shouldn’t be bored when I pray. I should be able to focus on the things that I need to pray for, but more and more, I find it harder and harder to block out the distractions. I bombard my mind with outside stimuli to the point where any internal mental strength has atrophied. I cannot sit for too long by myself without wanting to grab my phone or play some music. I justify it to myself... Read more

May 13, 2024

Addiction, in the Traditional Sense Addiction takes control of a person. Before long, the most important thing to them is getting a fix for what they are addicted to. They will lie, cheat, and steal to get what they desire. Relationships are destroyed. The person is reduced to nothing eventually. Those fortunate enough to have not been touched personally by addiction’s effects have surely seen the destruction it brings. Addiction is a way that the devil uses to reduce humans... Read more

February 8, 2024

The 49ers: The Lord’s Team **The following is satire, and the arguments contained within should not be taken seriously** The Challenge What is the most Christian football team? Some have said, “the Saints.” Others have responded with “Manchester City.” And still others respond with, “What? What are you even talking about? One team cannot be more ‘Christian’ than another!” But all of these people are, of course, wrong. Just because a team is named the ‘Saints’ does not mean the... Read more

February 8, 2024

Finding Time for God It Shouldn’t Be Hard, But Sometimes It Is Why is it that when life gets busy, we skip spending time with God? We love going to church unless there is something else we have to do. We want to pray before work, but we also need to work out, and we don’t have time for both. Whatever the reason, life gets busy, and we only fit God in if we can. It sounds terrible, and in... Read more

January 11, 2024

The Flesh, the World, and the Devil As followers of Jesus, we come up against the flesh, the world, and the devil. These enemies of our spirits have been split into these same categories since the 13th Century and St. Thomas Aquinas. The verses used to demonstrate this division of temptations is found in Ephesians. In which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the... Read more

January 2, 2024

Make Plans, Not Resolutions, this New Year New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work After six months, about 80% of people have given up on their New Year’s Resolutions ( Most of us would be very happy if we lasted half a year with our resolutions intact. We can barely make it through January. Whether a person completes their resolutions or quits after a week depends on the person and their personality. Certain people are more self-driven or goal-oriented, and they are... Read more

December 22, 2023

10 Best Recent Christmas Movies Classics are classics for a reason: they are great movies. Some people watch the same classics every year without fail. I tend to cycle through them, watching them every 2-3 years. In between, I am always trying out the new Christmas movies to find another gem that can be added to the rotation. Of the new Christmas movies every year, 95% are fillers that are great to have on while wrapping presents or making cookies.... Read more

December 22, 2023

Why Every Christian Should Support Israel Foreign conflicts are complicated. Multiple interests are involved, the Western worldview is not always shared by the parties involved, and the information we receive is generally curated to push us into one camp or another. On top of that, tragedy abounds in war. There are always innocent people killed, maimed, or orphaned. When a country engages in a conflict, there needs to be strong and compelling reasons to support the tragedy and loss that... Read more

December 22, 2023

Salt and Light on Earth We are to be the light of the world, the salt of the earth. I like to use the word “we” because it takes the weight of that statement off my shoulders. “We” means that I can let the professionals handle all of that business of being light. Instead, I can focus on my own personal responsibilities at work and at home. Let the pastors and missionaries be the ones to be the light of... Read more

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