July 10, 2024

An Evangelical blogger asks if ecstatic religious experiences are rational, and if it’s good for us to pursue them. I say they are not materialistic but they are quite rational, and while pursuing such experiences is good, it’s also dangerous. Read more

July 7, 2024

Fear is natural and necessary – it helps keep us alive. But our current socio-political situation is not one where the evolutionary instincts for fight, flight, or freeze are helpful responses. We need to respond to our fears with courage and do what is necessary in spite of our fears, for ourselves and for the wider world. Read more

June 30, 2024

I stopped talking about Tower Time because too many people were expecting an apocalypse or accusing me of fear mongering. But Tower Time is still very much with us. We will do what must be done. We will survive and we will succeed. Read more

June 26, 2024

The Return of Paganism fails to make a rational case for the superiority of the Christian religion. But it wasn’t written to convert Pagans to Christianity. It was written in an attempt to stem the tide of people leaving Christianity for anything else. Read more

June 23, 2024

When people ask why I believe in the Gods, I’m happy to tell them. But my goal is to inform them, not to convert them. I don’t care what they believe. I care very much how their beliefs motivate them to treat other people. Read more

June 16, 2024

We stand at the Summer Solstice. The planting is done and the harvesting is yet to come. There is wisdom for us here, if we will see it. We have been busy. We will be busy again. The Summer Solstice is a time to celebrate and to rest, before the labors begin again. Read more

June 9, 2024

A Catholic writer called Paganism “mostly very boring.” That may be the laziest criticism of Paganism I’ve ever seen. I want to talk a little about why they’re wrong and a lot about why Paganism is wonderful, amazing, brilliant, awesome, and a deeply meaningful path. Read more

May 28, 2024

Dear Exvangelicals: I got out of Evangelical fundamentalism and onto a religious path that is meaningful and helpful to me, and you can too. Read more

May 22, 2024

One of my favorite simple pleasures is watching old horror movies. I recently watched three classic vampire movies that I want to talk about, including one I’ve been trying to find for 30 years. One you probably know, but it’s worth revisiting. The other two were new to me, and they may be new to you too. Read more

May 19, 2024

Many people intuitively give thanks when they experience something bad that could have been worse. That intuition is correct. And when we think about why it’s correct, we learn something valuable about the Gods, the Universe, and ourselves. Read more

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