Persecuted For The Truth HP & TOOT Phoenix

Persecuted For The Truth HP & TOOT Phoenix June 28, 2024

Persecuted For The Truth
Harry Potter & The Order Of The Phoenix

Blessed are those
have been persecuted
for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10

As Harry Potter, famous boy wizard sits in his ‘Defense Against the Dark Arts’ class, his new teacher Dolorous Jane Umbridge informs the class about recent current events in the wizarding world. “Let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain Dark Wizard is at large once again. This is a lie.” These words puncture Harry’s heart more fiercely then any knife could have. Years ago when Harry was just a babe, he survived an attack on his life by the most dangerous wizard in recent memory, ‘He Who Must Not Be Named‘, Lord Voldemort.

This dark wizard who was feared throughout the land terrorized and killed many people including Harry’s parents with the unforgivable killing curse. When he tried to use it on Harry, the protective spell of his mothers love shielded him from the attack. The curse rebounded on its originator turning him into a little wisp of a phantom and turning Harry into an instant hero. As far as the wizarding world is concerned, ‘He Who Must Not Be Named’ is gone, finished and done for.

Harry responds to professor Umbridge’s statement with “It’s not a lie! I saw him. I fought him.” During the last event for the tri-wizarding tournament, in whom Harry is a participant, he is transported from the safety of Hogwarts School, along with fellow friend and competitor Cedric Diggory, to a grave yard wear he witnesses the rebirth of his archenemies, Lord Voldemort. Cedric is killed in front of him, and Harry barely escapes with his life as Lord Voldemort and his gang of Death Eaters try to do Harry in. When he returns to the safety of Hogwarts, he lets the world know that He Who Must Not Be Named has returned.

‘Professor Umbridge gives Harry detention for piping up in class and challenging her version of the truth. His punishment consisted of writing several times ‘I must not tell lies‘. He writes this with a special pen that uses his own blood as ink and causes the scars of his words to be written in his hands. Despite the unpleasantness and injustice of this act, he continues to try to warn people that their arch enemy is back. But it seems as if the majority wants to live in the illusion of what is pleasant and nice.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.’ Mark 4:9

Instead of the acceptance of this important piece of information, Harry is looked on with scorn by the people who once looked up to him as a hero. The minister of magic, head of the wizarding government, Cornelius Fudge, despite the incontrovertible evidence that the Dark Lord has returned insists “He is not back.”
He tries to suppress and ignore the warnings and to inform the community that there is nothing to worry about. Along with scorn from the government, the media adds its little stab at his heart. ’The Daily Profit’ through its tabloid journalism tries to make Harry look like a nut job.
And if that didn’t hurt enough some of his friends who looked up to him as a hero on the Quidditch field (the big sport in the wizarding world which is equivalent to rugby on broomsticks) now treat him as if he had the plague.

If Harry remained quiet and just summated to what everyone wanted to believe, he wouldn’t get so much grief from everyone. Realistically Harry can not be silent about the truth he has witnessed. He has seen with his own eyes, the return of the dark wizard. And the disapproval of the government, the media, and his friends can not change that. Even physical torment can not keep him quiet to what he has seen and heard.

Christians have witnessed an evil more wicked then Lord Voldemort and have a remedy to defeat that evil. They have witnessed to the world that is shrouded in darkness and have offered a light to dispel that darkness. But just like poor Harry they are treated with scorn and resentment. Many don’t like light of truth shining in their dark corner of what they perceive to be well lit.
They try to stuff the candle out by destroying it.

Fudge is using all his power, including his influence at the Daily Prophet, to smear anyone who claims the Dark Lord has returned. Fudge isn’t in his right mind. It’s been twisted and warped by fear. Fear makes people do terrible things, Harry. The last time Voldemort gained power he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now he’s returned, and I’m afraid the Minister will do almost anything to avoid facing the terrifying truth. -Sirius Black:

Jesus testified that those who listen to the truth hear his voice. Those who didn’t like the sound of Jesus’ voice tried to silent him by ending His life. But Our Lord rose three days later and sent the Holy Spirit to continue proclaiming God’s truth to the world. Jesus told his disciples that,

“On my account you will be arrested, and brought before men who will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebub, how much more the members of his household!” (Matt 10: 17-24) ‘No servant is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.” John 15:20

Not everyone wanted to hear Jesus voice then, and not everyone wants to hear his voice echoing now through the voices of his sheep. For the last 2000 years, Christians have been willing to be persecuted physically, socially and verbally for witnessing to the truth of Christ. The fire of Christ’s truth is so bright and burns so deeply within certain souls that nothing can stop them from letting it shine in the world through their witness. The light of martyrdom has shone more brightly in the 20th century then in all the past 20 centuries combined.

Harry Potter knew that to betray the truth would kill his soul and that to live in a lie would bring no peace. He persevered and suffered for the truth no matter what the cost. For Christians Truth is a person and to lay down your life for him brings the guarantee of eternal life. Perhaps you will never lose your life physically for Christ, but you may be ridiculed and made fun of. You may gain the scorn of family, friends, and society. But the sufferings you may endure from others is nothing compared to the rewards you will get by serving the Lord of Truth and Light.

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