June 29, 2024

Is the Lord, Jesus, involved in the issues today? If he does, where is He or is He just letting things happen, and then the question, why? Read more

May 25, 2024

We all have influence, some good, some not so good. Read more

May 11, 2024

‘m My two favorite/Williams SOMETIMES Sometimes, we can sit and pop a soda and take a breath. Maybe sit under a mesquite tree and feel the last of the cool spring breeze before that breeze can be used to cook a rotisserie chicken. Of course, it would have to be before dawn, but who isn’t up peeing then anyways. It gives us a chance to take an accounting of our lives, as we sit or stand, holding on to the... Read more

April 21, 2024

Where is this Jesus Fella? Where is Jesus? I don’t mean to say that flippantly, but where the hell is He? The son of God, one of the Big Three in the Holy Trinity, and while the world appears to be burning  collective minds to the ground, WHERETHEHELLISHE? Does he not see what is going on? Does He even care?      …there have been other seasons…. Over history, I guess, there have been other seasons where people have asked... Read more

March 16, 2024

We don't get many choices in the theater of this life of how we get to die. Read more

February 18, 2024

There is only one place to be in that storm, which can overwhelm us and swallow us. It is next to The Captain. Read more

February 3, 2024

…ON THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF WORLD WAR II Looking back on our roots, my mom was married, Jeannette Gardner, to a naval aviator, a Lieutenant by the name of Paul Benthin on the downhill side of World War Two. He died in a training mission over the Chocolate Mountains east of Phoenix, in the desert between Arizona and California. The oxygen wasn’t working in his plane and he basically went to sleep and winged his torpedo bomber with a crew... Read more

January 14, 2024

When we get moments of God with us, do we weep for joy or sadness? Read more

December 30, 2023

What if, this guy was predicted, and he actually showed up hundreds of years later? How about—he didn’t come to change the government, or cancer or your marriage, he actually came to change, well, you? Read more

December 9, 2023

God is never caught off guard. He is never saying oops. He never looses us in the smoke and haze. He knows exactly where we are at in our lives and in our hearts. He realizes our pain, has it measured, and will use it to grow us. He never punishes and always corrects with love. Sometimes, it feels like the Hammer of Thor falling on us, but He has it measured. He will take us to the edge of the cliff and have us look in sometimes, but he holds our belt so we don’t fall in. Read more

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