June 18, 2024

  Over the past decade or so, marriage and sexual identity definitions have been under attack in our world. And as each of us rub shoulders with someone we know and love, who is the in process of redefining their sexuality and marriage and maybe even gender in their lives, we are each trying to find a way to navigate these re-definements. About fifteen years ago the Christian community started saying this phrase, “God is Love” but now it is... Read more

June 15, 2024

I feel so much grief about the Christian Post articles about Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church and the one earlier about Pastor Tony Evans. Here are the links if you have not read them: Pastor Robert Morris Confesses To Moral Failure and Pastor Tony Evans Steps Away From Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship. I attended Dallas Theological Seminary in the mid90’s. I am a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. I have been a pastor now at Vanguard Church in Colorado... Read more

April 11, 2024

For almost seven years now I have carried a prophetic word God gave me in July of 2017. You can read about that here: https://kellymwilliams.wordpress.com/2021/01/06/the-july-16-2017-vision-from-god-you-say-yes/ Over the past almost SEVEN years, I have personally faced numerous spiritual attacks on myself, my family, and my leadership in pastoring and leading Vanguard Church in Colorado Springs. I tell you all that, to tell you this. What we carry for God, matters to God! And what we carry for God impacts everything about... Read more

February 27, 2024

When I was a pastoral student at Liberty University in 1989, I made a commitment to Jesus to read the Bible ten chapters a day until I had read it 100 times.  I began this commitment on August 16, 1989, and I fulfilled this commitment on February 27, 2024. It took me 34 ½ years to read the Bible 100 times. It should have taken me 33 1/3. I should have finished it about 500 days sooner. So, I missed... Read more

February 1, 2024

DEALING WITH THE PERCEPTION OF BEING “JUDGMENTAL” REGARDING THE NON-ATTENDANCE OF SAME SEX OR TRANSGENDER CEREMONIES Recently I wrote an article in response to the controversy created by Pastor Alistair Begg’s remarks and advice regarding a Christian’s attendance at a same sex or transgender ceremony. This reignited the debate over being judgmental toward others. Being judgmental has somehow become the unpardonable sin of our society. Disagreeing has quickly become “hate” speech and has been classified as “Pharisaical” because all of... Read more

January 27, 2024

A RESPONSE TO ALISTAIR BEGG’S: “CHRISTIANS SHOULD ATTEND THE CEREMONY OF A SAME SEX OR TRANSGENDER RELATIONSHIP, EVEN TAKE A GIFT” A few years ago, I had the privilege of attending a pastor’s luncheon at Focus On The Family with guest speaker, Alistair Begg. I jumped at this opportunity and thoroughly enjoyed my time listening to Pastor Begg rightfully divide the Word of God and encourage we pastors in Colorado Springs with the importance of faithfulness to God and to... Read more

January 23, 2024

“A NETWORK OF PASTORS WILL FALL”   As the calendar year turns from 2023 to 2024 one of the constant sad realities in Christian News is the perpetual, continual, and repeated reality of Pastors and well-known Ministry Leaders being exposed on a seemingly weekly basis for their chronic, ongoing, long-going hidden sin. It grieves all of us, but it is not a new phenomenon.   Thousands of years ago, the prophet Ezekiel dealt with the exact same things we are... Read more

November 14, 2023

THE GOOD PASTORS ARE UNDER SIEGE   The Good pastors of the world are under siege!   I have been a Senior Pastor of the same Southern Baptist Church, Vanguard Church, in Colorado Springs for the past twenty-six years. My wife, Tosha, and I, started the church twenty-six years ago as North American Mission Board church planters for the Southern Baptist Convention.   Recently I hosted a city-wide pastor gathering in our city and prayed with forty other pastors for... Read more

October 21, 2023

IS ISRAEL RIGHT TO FIGHT?   We are now a few weeks into Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Every night when I turn on the evening news, I hear this question in some form or another, “Is Israel justified to do what it is doing to the people in the Gaza Strip?” As followers of Jesus Christ, all our actions must be justified by His Holy Word. Jesus tells us that we are to turn the other... Read more

October 20, 2023

FORGIVENESS IS A GIVEN, TRUST IS A GIFT In this world of social media where everyone has the capacity to say what they want immediately to anyone who will listen, the increase in hostility, betrayal, offense, and thus the need for forgiveness and restored trust become front and center. I know, personally, several ministry leaders and pastors who have chosen to give up on social media all together as a personal pursuit, because of the access it affords everyone to... Read more

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