May 22, 2024

Well, I wanna see the road melt Into the mountains away as I drive And make it out of this damn town alive And not let the dreams I shoulder die ‘Cause I’m movin’ at God speed Only God and my mama know what I need And I feel the hardwood floors on my knees As I beg you just to take it easy on me Godspeed by Zach Bryan Note: This is an account of a cross-country odyssey told... Read more

April 13, 2024

If we are stingy with others, can we be generous with God? When I say “generous,” I mean granting the Lord total dominion over your heart. The cross is the ultimate symbol of self-giving and we can never repay the Suffering Servant for all that he has done and continues to do. Let’s face it, conquering death [resurrection] is the ultimate mic-drop; nothing needs to be said after that. However, to love the Lord our God with all our faculties... Read more

March 15, 2024

The Master said, ‘Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.’ Luke 10:41-42 The word “patience” has been on my mind recently. It’s often regarded as a virtue, but I believe it’s more of a state of awareness than a characteristic. In our relationships and discipleship, it’s important to practice patience. If we were... Read more

February 16, 2024

“In the Byzantine Catholic Church, the Great Fast is the name given to the Lenten period, the six weeks before Great and Holy Week (the final week before Easter). The beginning of the Great Fast for the Byzantine Church differs from other churches in a few ways but the meaning and intent are similar.  There isn’t an Ash Wednesday or even ashes, but instead, the Great Fast begins quietly without notice on a Monday, two days before the more well-known... Read more

February 9, 2024

When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons sitting there, clothed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Mark 5:15 At 3 AM, a man suddenly woke up in his hostel room and looked around, feeling disoriented and forgetting where he was. He grabbed his notebook and started flipping through the pages to try and figure out his current location. After reading his notes, he realized that he... Read more

February 2, 2024

While living on the road, there was no guarantee of finding a rest stop or place to camp for the night. Some days, we had to go without food or showers. We spent long hours driving, treating it as our 9-to-5 job. Eventually, our 1999 Dodge van named Scarlett would start making noises, indicating that she needed a rest. My brother Taylor would pat the dashboard and say, “There, there girl. Let’s get off the highway.” We often found ourselves... Read more

January 20, 2024

The Boy left his home. Comfort had swaddled him in a blanket and breastfed him long enough. It was time to cut ties with his village and head to the city. According to legend, the ghosts of exalted scribes still roam the streets. The Boy hoped by their intercession, he would be able to garner success and recognition. When he arrived at port, he noticed that the Golden Gate Bridge was not, in fact, golden, but he didn’t care. The... Read more

January 6, 2024

“We can keep guard over the whole world by keeping guard over the atmosphere of heaven within us, for if we lose the Kingdom of Heaven, we will save neither ourselves nor others. He who has the Kingdom of God in himself will imperceptibly pass it on to others. People will be attracted by the peace and warmth in us; they will want to be near us, and the atmosphere of heaven will gradually pass on to them. It is... Read more

December 31, 2023

The sounds of the bell indicate that it’s time for Compline. Venerable Brother Chewy, a chihuahua rescued by the monks, rouses me from a siesta by licking my face. Once the prayers are over, I sit in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Brother Martin taps me on the shoulder, interrupting my recitation of the Jesus prayer, and asks what I’d like to drink. To which I reply water. He seems surprised and tells me that the monastery has a full... Read more

December 10, 2023

Humanity’s ability to create is reliant on the Source of all creation. Scripture is said to be divinely inspired. Is it logical to believe God gave up speaking through people after St. John’s mic-drop letters on Patmos Island? Read more

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