July 6, 2024

I think for the most part most Christians live far below where they should be. One big problem is they don’t truly understand what it means to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Armchair theologians and scholars love complicating the issue, making it something mystical that only they can understand (and for a big donation you can buy their book and you can understand too, right?). Walking by faith and not by sight is pretty simple... Read more

July 1, 2024

Does history indeed record that Jesus actually lived? Is there evidence besides the Bible that he existed. How about we limit our eyewitness accounts to Hostile Non-Biblical Pagan Accounts? There are a number of ancient classical accounts of Jesus from pagan, non-Christian sources. These accounts are generally hostile to Christianity; some ancient authors denied the miraculous nature of Jesus and the events surrounding His life: Thallus (52AD) Thallus is perhaps the earliest secular writer to mention Jesus and he is... Read more

June 22, 2024

What is so important about the cross? Is it just a symbol of Christianity? Is it just a decorative ornament to hang around our neck? I think most people in this day and time cannot even relate to the significance of the cross. To most it is some vague reference to a time gone by in Roman history. Most know the story on some level of how Jesus Christ was crucified on a Roman cross. I think that probably most... Read more

June 11, 2024

    We have a connection to our creator whether we want to or not. The creator of all things didn’t just create everything and then abandon us to do as we will. Some people live that way and believe that is the case but a truly spiritual person knows an intimacy with something greater than themselves and cannot deny it. They feel his presence every time they are outdoors in nature or just about anytime they are overwhelmed by... Read more

June 11, 2024

WAS IT REALLY ABOUT NOT EATING THAT APPLE? Satan tempting Eve asked her, “Has God really said…” (Genesis 3:1). He was basically saying God’s word is unreliable, He is just trying to keep you from having your eyes opened because He knows when you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will be as gods yourself.’ When God said this He was not trying to keep something from us that was good for us. And He... Read more

May 28, 2024

John 8:36 says, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”     So why aren’t we? Let’s just be honest.  There are Christian people walking around knowing that the Word says they are free but they are still bound by some things. They go to church, they are saved but they just aren’t free. I want to talk about how to move what the Word of God says into the realm where we live. First of all... Read more

May 20, 2024

    All of my life I have observed how many religious institutions have kept Christ just out of the reach of people. Preachers scream out His name from the pulpit followed by ‘Just As I Am’ and people come to the altar. Jesus gloriously saves all who come. Then the bidding for your soul begins. “Yes, you are saved”, they say, “but now you gotta…” And then it begins. I have been there, done that and oh, buddy do I... Read more

May 14, 2024

I know the title of this article is going to freak some of you out…but hear me out. I am a follower of Christ but I do not like any religious label. Jesus did not call his followers Christians. He called them disciples and friends (John 15:15-17). The early church called themselves ‘The Way’ (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22). The term “Christian” is only used three times in the Bible, in Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, and 1 Peter... Read more

May 9, 2024

Jesus clearly said He was THE WAY, as in the one and only way. He did not declare His way to be another way but boldly said I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. Now most religions acknowledge that Christ was a good man, a teacher sent from God, etc. but when He declared Himself to be the way, the truth and the life that made Him to either be who He said He was or a lunatic!... Read more

May 6, 2024

   Don’t get mad or just dismiss when a Christian says Jesus is the answer to this culture of hate and fear. Let me try to explain to those who just blanket reject the idea that Jesus is the answer and explain why it is a viable solution or at least a step in the right direction. When Christians say things like this they are sharing experientially things they have witnessed in their own lives and the lives of others... Read more

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