Achieving Wealth – Release All Resistance – Lesson 7

Achieving Wealth – Release All Resistance – Lesson 7 June 2, 2024

I Release All Resistance/Image courtesy of Bing Copyright Free Images


Achieving Wealth – Release All Resistance – Allow Wealth to Flow

Yes, if you wish to achieve wealth, it will happen faster if you learn to release all resistance and allow God’s unlimited wealth to flow into your life. 1 Peter 5:7 says: “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”   Learning to accept that the System is set up to meet your every need is very difficult.  I know.

And I admit that it took me years to finally accept it.  We are taught that we must be responsible, and that means taking care of our own business, including handling money in a responsible manner.

And I totally agree with the premise that we must take responsibility for the prudent handling of money, to ensure our bills get paid.  For example, what if you find yourself in an emergency  that requires some additional funds?  How will you handle it?

After Recovering from an Illness, I was Deeply in Debt

Years ago, after I divorced and got out of an abusive marriage, I came down with Hepatitis B.  As a matter of fact, I almost died.  The monthly overhead expenses of my business still had to be paid, and I was out of work for a couple of months. So, I used some charge cards to pay them.

When I finally got back up on my feet and was able to return to work, I realized with horror that I was deeply in debt.  I didn’t see any way out of my dilemma.  Even if I taught twice as many courses as I usually taught, it would take me FOREVER to pay off my debts.

I Chose to Release My Situation to God

I was still weak from my illness and not my usual “Control Freak” self, so I just said, “Dear God, I KNOW there is a way to handle these debts, and I THANK YOU for showing me the way.” 

Normally I would have then set about seeing what I could do to fix the problem.  This time I just totally and completely surrendered.  So, I stood up from my desk at work, locked the door to my office, and drove home. It was time for me to rest and not think about my problems.  Sleep was what I needed, so I fell into bed and was immediately asleep.

God Showed Me How to Become Debt-Free!

When I awoke the next morning, a voice in my head was telling me to take all the balances owed on my charge cards and divide those balances by 52 weeks.  I was to send each creditor a check once a week, instead of monthly.  I was to expect the money to be there each week to make these payments.

And that is exactly what I did.  The regular classes I taught had many more students than normal. And this miracle I attributed to my belief that everything would be OK.

I Learned to Release All Resistance

I refer to this experience as RELEASING ALL RESISTANCE.  Resistance to receiving God’s gifts is usually why we stay in lack and limitation.  If my conscious mind had not been so foggy from my illness, and if my normal belief that I had to be Super Woman and handle everything myself had not been dulled by my sickness, most likely I would have blocked this inflow of money to pay off my debts.

Releasing all resistance is probably the hardest task you will ever perform in your spiritual journey.  It goes against everything we are taught.  Yet this is truly the key to manifesting your blessings easily and effortlessly.

Here are Some Tips for Releasing All Resistance

What I have discovered over the years is that the best way to release resistance is to get away from my typical environment of work and home and go have some fun.  This could include:

  • Going to a movie that makes you laugh. Laughter triggers certain endorphins in your body and helps you release resistance.  Many people who are sick find that watching funny movies helps them heal quicker.
  • Taking a trip at least one hour away from your normal environment. This is far enough away so that the “energy” of your problems won’t follow you.
  • Go someplace that is quiet. You may prefer mountains, or you may prefer water.  Whatever works for you.  The point is to do something that frees your mind from your worries.  This “clean slate” allows the Universe to quickly bring you the desires of your heart.

This Week’s Course of Action

  • Make a list of things that are really stressing you out. This could include:
    • Money issues
    • Health issues
    • Relationship issues
    • Career/job issues
  • Put your hand on the piece of paper and say, “I KNOW there is a solution to this/these problem/problems! I THANK YOU GOD for showing me the way!”
  • Light a match and burn the piece of paper, and flush it down the toilet, visualizing your problems going up in smoke.
  • Get out of the house and do something to take your mind off your problems, following the suggestions outlined above.



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