God Is Able!

God Is Able! July 3, 2024

The sunrise captures the hope one has knowing God is able to do anything. The mountain and trees reflect the serenity within God's creation.
The sunrise captures the hope one has knowing  God is able to do anything. The mountains and trees reflect the serenity within God’s creation. This photo was taken by Artem Sapegin on March 28, 2017. This photo was downloaded from Unsplash.com on July 3, 2024.


Do you know God is able and He won’t fail? I ask this question as I was reminded of this biblical truth during my morning quiet time.

Honestly, many situations and circumstances tempt me to worry before I decide to pray. 

One problem is the political state of America as neither candidate appears to be the right leader for this nation. Another issue is the various health issues many of my relatives are currently facing.    

I feel hopeless as I do not have the power to change the harsh realities that come with human existence. Also, I cannot provide permanent comfort and relief to others enduring painful situations.

However, God is able and He won’t fail!

The Meaning Behind God Is Able

Scholarly Definitions 

Hearing God is able causes Christians to rejoice when they think about what he has done in their lives. But have you ever taken time to ponder what the word able means?

Merriam-Webster uses a few clauses to define the word able.

  1. “Having the power, skill, or resources to do something.”
  2. “Having the freedom or opportunity to do something.”
  3. Possessing a “quality or nature that makes something possible.”

Vocabulary.com enhances these explanations when referring to an individual who has the authority to do something.   

God’s Sovereign Authority

God specializes in the impossible because he has the authority to do anything. But what gives God the right to do whatever he desires?

According to Genesis 1:1, God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the one who speaks everything into existence and forms humans in his image (Genesis 1:3-30).

Therefore, he can permit or prevent any occurrence from taking place. 

Wisdom testifies about God’s authority when mentioning how she was present before anything else on earth was made (Proverbs 8:22-30, New International Verison). Her testimony shows the Lord alone has the divine wisdom necessary to do the unimaginable.

Along with wisdom, the Bible also uses the Prophet Isaiah to reveal Eliohim’s authority. When the Israelites worship man-made idols, the prophet reminds them these deities are lifeless (Isaiah 44:9-20).

Conversely, Elohim is a living, reigning creator who cannot be compared with anyone else (Isaiah 44:6-8). There is no other god but the Lord (Isaiah 45:14-18).

God’s Divine Ability

Since there is no other god, only the Lord has the divine ability to do the miraculous. Scripture proves the Lord can 

  1. Call creation into existence (Genesis 1:3-24).
  2. Soften and harden the hearts of authority figures (Exodus 4:21; Proverbs 21:1).
  3. Defeat defiant kings and leaders (Exodus 14:23-31; Esther 7:10).
  4. Split the Red Sea so the Israelites could walk on dry ground (Exodus 14:21-29).
  5. Provide the Israelites mana in the wilderness (Exodus 16:1-36).
  6. Cause droughts and famines (Genesis 41:28-31; 1 Kings 17:1).
  7. Send rain and make crops flourish (1 Kings 18:41-45).
  8. Cause and calm storms (Jonah 1:4-15; Luke 8:22-25).
  9. Command the sun not to set (Joshua 10:13).
  10. Heal the sick and lame (Isaiah 38:1-8; Acts 3:1-8).
  11. Break chains off imprisoned disciples (Acts 16: 23-26). 
  12. Resurrect the dead (1 Kings 17:17-23; John 11:38-44).
  13. Deliver sinners from demonic possession (Luke 8:26-39; Acts 16:16-18). 
  14. Bring repentance and salvation to pagan kingdoms (Daniel 3:28-29; Jonah 3:6-10).
  15. Fill believers with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4).

Lord I Believe But…

Help My Unbelief 

The list above highlights all the amazing acts Eliohim performs in the Bible. While these leave worshippers in awe, many fail to see Eliohim do the miraculous in their lives.

Were miraculous acts limited to the Bible days? Has God decided to let advancements in medicine and technology do his work for him?  No!

Bill Hybel believes Christians do not witness what God is able to do because they fail to pray about their needs (Bill Hybels, “Too Busy Not To Pray,” Chapter 3). The unwillingness to pray stems from deep-rooted unbelief (Bill Hybels, “Too Busy Not To Pray,” Chapter 3). 

Unbelief among those who profess to be believers in Jesus Christ seems oxymoronic. How can someone say they believe in an omnipotent and omniscient God yet question his capabilities?    

Thankfully, the New Testament shows readers it is common to wrestle with the temptation to doubt God during uncertain times. 

“Lord I believe; help my unbelief” is the plea of a concerned father who is unsure Jesus can heal his son (Mark 9:24, New International Version). Jesus then heals the man’s son of his infirmities (Mark 9:25-27). 

God Is Able To Handle Doubt 

The concerned father receives a miracle for his son because he confesses his doubt to Jesus. The father’s admission suggests God does not take offense to struggles with doubt.

He understands humans are frail and inferior to him. However, God does take offense when his children do not confidently cast all their cares upon him (Hebrews 4:16; 1 Peter 5:7). 

When we choose not to demonstrate trust in him by dealing with our doubts, he decides not to work on our behalf until we pray.   

James 1:6-8 says when we pray, confessing and casting out doubt must occur so God will grant our request. If one is going to doubt, they should not waste time praying since they will not receive anything (James 1:8).

Increase Your Faith

Memorize Scriptures

How can an individual struggling with doubt increase their faith? By memorizing scriptures encouraging them to trust in God’s character and abilities. In times of uncertainty remember verses like 

  1. Psalm 56:3
  2. Psalm 62:8
  3. Proverbs 3:5-6
  4. Proverbs 16:20
  5. Hebrews 11:1
  6. Hebrews 11:6
  7. Jude 1:24   

My favorite scripture highlighting what God is able to do comes from Paul the Apostle. “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us“ (Ephesians 3:20, King James Version).

Reflect and Sing

After memorizing scripture, reflect on the ways God has shown himself mighty in your life. Taking the time to reflect will strengthen your confidence in God as you wait for him to act. 

Thinking about what the Lord has done will also provide reassurance when circumstances do not go as expected. This is because you know that even if God chooses not to act, he’s still able (Daniel 3:17).

God’s ability to work situations out for the good of those who love him, inspires many singers to write songs demonstrating their faith. Five faith-based songs that remind me God is able are

  1. He’s Able” by Preashea Hillard
  2. Let Go” by Dwayne Woods
  3. I Believe God” by Vincent Bohanan 
  4. I Trust You by James Fortune & FIYA
  5. Still Able” by James Fortune & FIYA

I hope these tunes become songs of deliverance that free you from doubt when you’re feeling uncertain. “You are my hiding place, you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance” (Psalm 32:7, New International Verison). 

Are you struggling to believe God can do the impossible in your life? Do you have a testimony you’d like to share? Feel free to leave a comment. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! 

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