Underestimating What God Can Do in Our Families

Underestimating What God Can Do in Our Families June 3, 2024

God makes up the difference

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

Ephesians 3:20


He who has heard your prayers in the past will not refuse to supply your need in the present emergency.

Arthur W. Pink in The Attributes of God


Looking back, I still painfully recall specific parenting moments which bring a stab of pain and sorrow to me because of the harsh words I spoke (and then quickly regretted); the lack of patience I demonstrated when my children came to me brimming over with excitement and wanting to share with me (but I was too busily, pre-occupied to notice); and how I frequently found myself wishing away whatever season of life we were in because I wrongly believed the next season would be easier (for me).

God makes up the difference

Ironically, even these regret-ridden memories have taught me a few things. Of all the past failings I’ve experienced, I’ve learned a lot too. God, I’m confident, heard the prayers of an ill-equipped young mom (now a grandmother of six) and He did make up the difference.

When we are without strength, God supplies it

Yes, He did: even when I failed not once, not twice, but countless times. God was good and gracious and forgave me…and then He picked me back up off of the floor in defeat and gave me the strength to go to my kids and try again. Make up the difference. Isn’t that a beautiful statement? I’ve grown to love it more and more as I’ve watched our faithful God prove how trustworthy He is when we come all dirty and dusty and undone.

Home is where we all grow up

No matter what our age, we are needy people. Born needy. Live needy. Die needy. Jesus knows this about us. So it is a wonder that God chose the family unit as the primary place, the safe haven, for the majority of growing and maturity to take place. God isn’t surprised by our failings. He isn’t sitting on the throne in Heaven wringing His hands in despair when we blunder.

God will do more than we can imagine

What God is wanting of us is to trust Him. Trust Him enough to guide us, teach us, and lead us, as we guide, teach, and lead our children. When we cry out to God in confusion and pain, He is faithful to answer us, to equip us, and to truly work in ways we can’t imagine in our moments of discouragement and despair.

God is a faithful, forgiving father

From the second we give birth to our child to our final act of parental love toward that child, God is always working on our behalf to make up the difference. We should not be afraid that our failings, be they large or small, will be the undoing of our kids. Instead, God would have us ask for forgiveness from those we’ve hurt, make reparations as needed, then step forward in new and more loving ways. Make up the difference. Have you asked Him to do that for you today?

About Michele Howe
Michele Howe is the author of 29 books for women, children, and families. She has published over 3000 articles, reviews, and curriculum. Her newest releases include: Finding Freedom and Joy in Self-Forgetfulness and Empty Nest, What's Next? - Parenting Adult Children Without Losing Your Mind. You can read more about the author here.

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