July 5, 2024

Joy to the World It may surprise you to know that the famous Christmas carol, “Joy to the World,” was not intended as a Christmas song. It was written by Isaac Watts, who, in addition to becoming one of England’s best-known preachers, was also an educator and author. He wrote books on astronomy and philosophy that were used in universities but is best remembered for his hymns. The words- Isaac Watts Isaac Watts was born in 1674, in Southampton, England,... Read more

May 31, 2024

Congratulations, Class of 2024! You have all worked very hard to get to this point, and your hard work has paid off! A world of opportunities awaits you…. Some of you will join the workforce, others will go on to graduate school and some may become homemakers. Each is a valid option, and the decision is yours to make!   To the men in the audience I would like to address the men in the audience, since you have been... Read more

May 17, 2024

  “I’m a human being. I’ve made mistakes. I let pressure get to me. And because of that pressure, I said things and did things I should not have done. And for that, really, I am sorry.”   Benny Hinn, apologizing for his mistakes, including prophecies that “were not from the Lord.” In an interview with The Strang Report, the world famous televangelist and faith healer, Benny Hinn, stated that his main regrets were endorsing the prosperity gospel and giving... Read more

May 10, 2024

Mica Miller, a 30-year-old pastor’s wife was found dead on April 27, 2024. Her husband, John-Paul Miller, announced her death in church the next day and said it was “self-induced”. The coroner’s report confirmed that it was a suicide. According to reports, Mica had filed for divorce earlier that month. Police records indicate that she expressed fear for her life shortly before her death. John-Paul Miller said his wife had been battling mental health issues for years, and that she... Read more

May 4, 2024

The pastor in charge of a Christian school said autism awareness week was “demonic” and cancelled it. Not surprisingly, this led to outrage among parents. “How can we continue to allow someone so grossly ignorant to preach to our children, to educate our children in any capacity? His hatred for the autistic and disabled community is so enormously obvious, that I cannot stand by and just accept what (Baker) tells me.” Vanessa Francisco, as quoted in The Palm Beach Post... Read more

April 27, 2024

Myth 1: Good girls marry nice guys Good girls sometimes marry nice guys, but there are no guarantees. The assumption that being a “goody two shoes” guarantees marriage to a good spouse is just that – an assumption. Unfortunately, many “good” girls thought they were marrying “godly” men, only to end up in abusive relationships. Being a good person or “spiritually mature Christian” does not guarantee that you will have a good marriage – or any marriage at all. God... Read more

April 22, 2024

Power and purpose in storytelling and letter writing Passover and Storytelling We are wired for connection and storytelling is one of the ways in which we achieve this. Stories were passed down by oral tradition, long before the printing press. One of the many powerful stories in the Bible is that of the Passover, in which the Israelites, led by Moses, were delivered from slavery in ancient Egypt. The celebration of Passover includes the seder meal, which includes foods that... Read more

April 18, 2024

When church becomes unsafe                 “If you want to keep your daughters safe, don’t ever take them to church”, he said. – This was the advice given to Kathy Durbin by the man who had sexually abused her 27 years earlier, when she was a teenager, and he was the assistant pastor at her church.  Kathy Durbin is one of several people featured in a four-part documentary series titled: “Let us Prey: A... Read more

April 3, 2024

“We lost eight members of our family……. now we have been given only four (bodies)” Francis Wanje (as quoted by the Associated Press)   The Kenyan government recently started the process of handing over the remains of 429 members of a doomsday cult to their family members. According to reports, the exhumed bodies showed signs of starvation and strangulation. Their leader, Paul Mackenzie, who now faces murder charges, reportedly told them to starve to death so they could meet Jesus.... Read more

March 27, 2024

A fresh look at the Feast of Purim and the “other woman” in the story of Esther Did you ever hear about the “other woman” in the biblical story of Esther? Let’s take a closer look. First, some background information. What is “Purim”? The Jewish holiday of Purim is celebrated in late winter/early spring, on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar. What event does Purim commemorate? Purim commemorates the deliverance of the Jews from a plan to... Read more

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