6 Steps to Change Your Marriage For the Better (Part 1)

6 Steps to Change Your Marriage For the Better (Part 1) June 6, 2024

I’m excited to bring you part 1 of a two-part marriage series, in tandem with the launch of the next season of my podcast with Family Life.  Season 4 of the Married with Benefits, with me and Brian Goins, is based on my findings from The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages. Each episode tackles a different secret – and there’s even a bonus one that didn’t make it into the book!

We’ve all been there. Something in our marriage needs attention, and we want to do something about it.

But … what?

Maybe we’ve been in a generally good place, but we can tell that issues are creeping up on us. Or maybe we’re stuck in a “just okay” place (or worse), and that’s not what we signed up for. After all, we stood dreamy-eyed at the altar, imagining the “for better” part of our vows, not holding a laundry list of all the things that needed to change. (If we did the latter, that’s a whole different blog series!)

Thankfully, there’s good news. Yes, “for worse” will arise from time to time in any marriage between two imperfect people. But in more than 20 years of research I’ve seen that there are almost always steps we can take to move our marriages toward the delight and connection that God created marriages to enjoy.*  The question, of course, is HOW?

In this Part 1, we’ll look at the key steps to begin any change process. Brian Goins and I dive into this in the kickoff episode of Season 4 of Family Life’s Married With Benefits podcast, so I hope you’ll listen! Then next week, in Part 2, we will tackle the first secret covered in the podcast –one of the most important habits for changing a marriage from good to great (and three steps you can take to reinforce that habit).

So let’s jump in today, with the first three steps that will help you begin powerful, positive change in your marriage.


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