When Life (and Relationships) Aren’t What You Hoped (Part 1)

When Life (and Relationships) Aren’t What You Hoped (Part 1) June 18, 2024

This is the first part of a three-part series. In this part 1 we’ll tackle one major step to take when something in our life hasn’t turned out the way we wanted it to. In Part 2 we will explore two more steps that build on this one. And in Part 3, we’ll see how it all applies to life and relationships.


I couldn’t help but overhear.  As I was searching the Target aisle for a headache medicine, a woman in the next aisle sounded like she could use it.

“He just had to say it, Shelly, he couldn’t stop himself!” The woman on the other side of the first aid shelf was on a phone call, vocally expressing her displeasure. “He knows my dad doesn’t have a humorous bone in his body, but he said it anyway. And now I have to deal with the fallout. Again.”

She paused to listen.

“No, he doesn’t mean to be insensitive, it’s just the Tigger thing. It’s his personality. Everything is a joke to him. I’ve told him over and over that he can’t be that way around my parents. I keep thinking he’ll calm down now that we have Jacob, but he’s not.”

Her voice faded away as she headed down the aisle. And I was left pondering what we do when something about our lives is not the way we want it. Let’s take a look.


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