June 11, 2024

If I reflect on the last 50 years and where I experienced the harshest judgment, two places come to mind. The corporate world and, surprisingly, the church. Truth is, the church hurts run far deeper than the corporate criticism behind my back. Am I here to vent about church flaws? Of course not. However, I think it’s time to expose the truth about the damage instead of walking away from our congregations for good. Forgiveness is key and I will... Read more

May 20, 2024

As a follower of Jesus, do you wonder what type of disciple you are, or which one of the twelve disciples you most resemble? Examine the distinct characteristics of each of His core disciples and take a short quiz to reveal your closest affinity. The Twelve Disciples In the dusty streets of Galilee, twelve men walked with a teacher who spoke of love, truth, and the heavenly Father’s way of life. Known as Jesus’s disciples, these men came from differing... Read more

May 6, 2024

The Bible is the tool to help us align with God. Learn how Katrina leveraged 10 scripture verses to strengthen her connection with the Lord and replace her worries with His Word. One quiet morning, Katrina sat at her kitchen table, sipping her coffee and staring out the open window, enjoying the cool breeze. She inhales the aroma of fresh cut grass while listening to birds chirping cheerful tunes. Despite the peaceful setting, her mind races with worries, her heart... Read more

April 13, 2024

  In the early morning, Tim’s heart races as he sits quietly in the hectic café with his Bible closed in front of him. He stirs his coffee in slow motion. Yesterday morning his future seemed optimistic, but after losing his job at the close of business, his world crumbles. With bills piling up and uncertainty eclipsing his future, fear overtakes his peace. Tim disrupts his negative thought pattern and reminds himself about the Godly mindset he’s been building over... Read more

March 18, 2024

Learn How to Discern God’s Nudges Have you ever felt a nudge to do something and wondered if it was from God or yourself? If so, I can relate. A nudge or prompting from God comes from scripture, people, prophetic words, gut feelings, whispers, and mind impressions, to name a few. While I believe God can speak to us audibly, I haven’t heard His voice. Instead, I experience mind word impressions from the Holy Spirit, like other believers report. I... Read more

February 26, 2024

Are You Aligned with God? Terry works for a large global enterprise based in Texas. Known for his faith and family devotion, Terry was aligned with God.  A pillar of the community, discipling young men and leading his life from a deep connection to God. However, Terry earns a substantial promotion by jumping from Sr. Manager to VP. His office hours increase while his focus shifts to material success, neglecting his spiritual commitments and ignoring the warning signs of drifting... Read more

February 7, 2024

For those who want to spend more time with God, read on… One of my spiritual growth students reached out for guidance concerned about feeling disconnected from God. During our first session, I posed the question, “What do you believe is causing the disconnect?” Her head lowered. “I’m too busy to focus on God, and if I had time, I don’t know where to start.” I gave her a warm smile. “It’s okay. As someone who has been in your... Read more

January 24, 2024

Ministry burnout is up 42% according to Barna.com.  Read Jim’s story to understand the root causes and gain six practical ways to prevent ministry burnout in your congregation and life. Marsha rings her husband, Jim, for the 3rd time. No answer. She hovers over the stove, contemplating whether to remove the overcooked roast or keep it warm. It’s eight o’clock. How could he miss another anniversary together after the terrible argument a year ago? She stares through the kitchen window,... Read more

October 10, 2023

Turn to God, But How? One commitment I made to myself when starting this column is brutal honesty. I believe the world has plenty of superficial information to consume. I’ve been struggling to find the words to express my level of despair. Watching the news coverage the last 4 days of Israel’s horrific terrorist attacks is not the best way to find a silver lining within the chaos of our world. I care deeply about the people of Israel. Life... Read more

September 14, 2023

Is the Holy Spirit Underutilized? Once, in a charming little town, there lived a man named Timothy. He owned an ornate metal lamp believed to possess magical powers. Everyone who heard of the lamp rushed into town to see its wonders, but Timothy never ignited it. He appreciated its aesthetic beauty, but never tapped into its true potential. Sadly, stinginess and ignorance concealed the blessing of the lit lamp for himself and for others to witness. Similarly, many Christians hold... Read more

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