Black Gay Clergy Ousted From Baptist World Alliance Commission

Black Gay Clergy Ousted From Baptist World Alliance Commission April 28, 2023

BWA_LogoBaptist World Alliance has ousted an openly gay Black faith from its Interfaith Relations and Racial Justice Commission after adopting a resolution declaring marriage between a man and woman.

Baptist World Alliance (BWA) Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Elijah Brown demanded that T.J. Williams-Hauger resign via email. Brown asked Williams-Hauger to leave the commission, citing the resolution voluntarily. Williams-Hauger refused and asked Brown to expel him. Brown granted Williams-Hauger’s request.

“Thank you for your prayerful attitude. Following our phone conversation yesterday, this email confirms that the invitation from BWA [Baptist World Alliance] for you to serve on Commissions is rescinded. Please know that I am praying for you,” Brown wrote in an email to Williams-Hauger.

Williams-Hauger has served on the commission without incident for three years. That changed when he informed BWA his husband, Brad, would accompany him to its annual meeting in Stavanger, Norway, which the European Baptist Federation is hosting. Williams-Hauger lamented the situation.

“I am sad that this decision was made not just for myself but for so many Black and queer folks who bring the stories of our ancestors with us, the stories of our ancestors who were impacted by colonization and racial injustice. BWA is a global body needed in our world,” he said.

Williams-Hauger stressed that white straight Christians don’t corner the market on “representing love, peace, religious diplomacy, and justice.”

According to Williams-Hauger, the resolution made Brown’s action necessary. Brown asked Williams-Hauger not to contact American Baptists USA, the European Baptist Federation, Judson Memorial Church, or Riverside Church. Instead, Brown directed him to deal solely with Baptist World Alliance’s executive committee.

Williams-Hauger served at Judson Memorial Church for a time. He and his husband were married at Riverside Church on October 30, 2011. Their nuptials were featured in a November 2011 Out magazine story, among other publications.

So, Williams-Hauger’s marriage was no secret. If this were about adhering to Biblical values, why did Brown feel compelled to attempt silencing Williams-Hauger? Could more than homophobia be at play?

In full disclosure, Williams-Hauger and I are friends and colleagues. We’re committed to fighting justice and oppression, particularly aimed at Black and LGBTQIA+ people. We are often chided for being too loud. Was this a convenient way to keep him quiet and away from a bigger platform–ie., the world stage?

Rev. Dr. Brown and the European Baptist Federation were contacted for comment. An update will include any comments.

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