Cosmic Conundrums: “The Quantum Sayings of Jesus” Review

Cosmic Conundrums: “The Quantum Sayings of Jesus” Review May 28, 2024

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Ever wondered if Jesus might have been the first quantum physicist?

Well, Keith Giles certainly seems to think there’s a case for it in his provocatively thoughtful book, The Quantum Sayings of Jesus. If you’re like me, always ready to side-eye the traditional Sunday sermon for a bit more spice and a lot less sanctimony, then buckle up. Giles is serving up a hefty portion of cosmic vibes with a side of spiritual sass.

For those of us who have sat through endless, snooze-worthy sermons, hoping for a glimmer of something as thrilling as, say, watching paint dry, Giles’ take is a caffeine shot straight to the heart of the Gospel of Thomas. Yes, that Thomas. The “Doubting” one, who perhaps wasn’t so much doubting as he was demanding a more profound truth. Giles suggests that if we peek into the quantum realm, Thomas might just be offering the hottest spiritual takes since Jesus suggested we turn the other cheek.

Now, let’s get one thing straight—this isn’t your grandma’s gospel. Giles isn’t here to hand-hold; he’s more about grenade-throwing into the staid and often stale interpretations of biblical texts. With the precision of a scholar and the eye of a skeptic, Giles unpacks the Gospel of Thomas through a quantum lens, suggesting that these sayings aren’t just ancient text messages left unread. They’re dynamic, living words that might just explain the entanglement of our lives, spirits, and the universe.

Exploring the Quantum Lens

In The Quantum Sayings of Jesus, Giles posits that Jesus’ words are less about the do’s and don’ts and more about the is’s and isn’ts of existence. It’s quantum, baby—all possibilities exist at once, and we’re just living in one probability. Jesus, according to Giles, wasn’t just a carpenter and a nice guy; he was a mystical quantum teacher who understood that reality is not fixed—it’s fluid, just like water into wine.

For the skeptics in the room, and I know you’re there because I can hear your eyes rolling, this book might sound like it’s trying to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn. But hold onto your cynic hats. Giles is thorough in his scholarship, thoughtful in his connections, and, dare I say, enlightening in his conclusions. He invites readers not to a sermon, but to a discussion—a dialogue with the divine that says maybe, just maybe, science and spirituality can sit at the same table without throwing food at each other.

The Gospel of Thomas: A Quantum Approach

And for those who like their faith served with a little less fire and brimstone and a little more light and love, Giles’ approach to the Gospel of Thomas might just be what you were praying for when you last thought about skipping church for brunch instead. This book doesn’t just challenge the traditional notions of divinity; it smashes them with a quantum hammer and pieces them back together in a form that even the most devoted science geek could love.

But don’t think Giles leaves you with just a bunch of quantum mechanics and mystical musings to chew on. Oh no, he’s too skilled a provocateur for that. He provides practical takeaways that encourage you to find the divine not in the sky, not in the church, but in the quantum entanglement of your own life. This book isn’t about finding faith. It’s about experiencing it in real-time, in real life, and in real ways.

So, if you’re ready to challenge everything you thought you knew about Jesus, spirituality, and maybe even a bit about your own existence, The Quantum Sayings of Jesus is your next must-read. Keith Giles has delivered a book that’s as challenging as it is charming, as insightful as it is incendiary. It’s the kind of read that requires not just a highlighter but maybe a fire extinguisher, because it’s that hot.

Join the conversation, bring your doubts, and leave your sandals at the door—you won’t need them where we’re going. After all, walking on water is so passively miraculous. How about walking through walls with quantum faith instead? Let’s go!

Get the book now on Amazon!


For more Snarky Faith, check out the podcast interview with Keith Giles:


About Stuart Delony
I'm Stuart Delony, your companion on this exploratory journey. As a former pastor now podcast host, I've shifted from sermons to conversations with Snarky Faith, promoting meaningful discussions about life, culture, spirituality. Disheartened by the state of institutionalized Christianity, my aim is to rekindle its foundational principles: love, compassion, and dignity. If you're yearning for change or questioning your faith, you've found a refuge here. You can read more about the author here.
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