Donald Trump—King of All Liars!

Donald Trump—King of All Liars! June 28, 2024

Donald Trump proved himself last night in the first, televised debate with President Joe Biden, in preparation for the presidential election in November, that he is still indeed “the king of all liars”! It was when this very serious debate—for what many are calling America’s most important, upcoming, presidential election ever—turned to the mundane subject of … GOLF. CNN’s host Jake Tapper asked both contestants about their old age, why it would not inhibit them during one more four-year term as president. Biden is 81 years old; Trump is 78 years old. Both would be the oldest presidents in U.S. history.

Biden answered first, and then Trump. It seemed like that was one of the few times Trump actually tried to answer the question asked him last night, if you could call it that. Trump said he recently had won two golf club championships, indicating that somehow proves he will be fit to be president. He added, “To do that, you have to be quite smart.” What! He didn’t explain how that is a true. As a professional golfer nearly my entire life, I was quite curious to know how winning at golf proves you are smart.

To me, that is indicative of Trump’s style, which is making constant statements of falsehood. He makes boisterous claims, often about himself, without backing them up with substantive proof. And sometimes he adds while speaking to many people at once, “and you know this.” That often insults the hearer’s intelligence because it, too, is a lie.

Then Trump and Biden got into a constant back-and-forth about their golf games. To me, it was the most bazaar portion of their 90-minute debate that an estimated 48 million Americans were watching on television, glued tensely to their seats, viewing this prelude to what some are saying will be the most important presidential election in American history because it could be an ultimate test of our democracy like never before.

These two old guys were arguing about who was the better golfer between them. I KID YOU NOT! Biden said at one point that he had a six handicap and then an eight handicap. That is quite good compared to the average golfer. But golf club handicaps can be fraught with much error. From what I know of these two men, Trump is the better golfer. (One of my main caddies on the Tour used to caddie occasionally for Donald Trump at Winged Foot.)

Then Trump said of Biden, “He doesn’t do it,” apparently meaning Biden doesn’t win golf club championships. Then Trump threw this blow at Joe, “He doesn’t hit the ball fifty yards”! Now, there you go. That proves Donald Trump is “the King of All Liars.” Golf has been my entire life, and I’ve never seen a male, fit golfer who stands at least six feet tall as Joe Biden does, who has two arms and two legs, who cannot hit a golf ball fifty yards. I ask you—what makes a guy the king of all liars? To tell lies that are so good that people can’t tell you are lying, or to tell lies that are so outrageous that not even a numbskull could be persuaded. Trump is surely the latter as the King of All Liars.

In my book, Bible Predicts Trump Fall—which is mostly a collection of posts I wrote in my Kermit Zarley Blog about Trump’s presidency while it was happening—I often exposed his lying and arrogance and compared it to what the Bible says. For instance, I quoted Jesus once saying to his interlocutors, “You are from your father the devil, and you choose to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44 NRSV).

All pundits I’ve listened to on TV since the debate said Trump stood out for his lies and Biden stood out for having a really bad night as a debater, both of which I agreed with.

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Donald Trump—King of All Liars!

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