July 11, 2024

Canadians are known for being polite and apologetic. But “I’m sorry, eh?” is more than a trope. It’s an expression of reconciliation.   When I moved to Canada, I found that it’s not just a stereotype that Canadians are friendly and quick to apologize. The first day I visited the country, I went to Walmart and heard, “Sorry,” at least ten times. The world can learn something from Canadians about how to apologize.   When to Apologize If you’re like... Read more

July 8, 2024

Gandalf and the apostle Paul shed light on the smoke and mirrors of religion and politics. Who’s blowing smoke in your life?   In The Two Towers, Gandalf the Grey visits Theoden, king of Rohan. Much to his dismay, the good wizard discovers his friend possessed by the evil wizard Saruman who seeks to control him. Saruman’s lackey, Grima Wormtongue, has become the king’s advisor, whispering deceptions into his ear, and manipulating every decision he makes. Gandalf frees Theoden from Saruman’s spell,... Read more

July 3, 2024

On the Fourth of July, Americans hear “If my people, called by my name” taken out of context. But it doesn’t mean what you think it means.   Many Americans are celebrating Independence Day in a Christian context. This could mean that the Sunday prior to the holiday, your church’s worship service was a patriotic gala. Or it might mean a civic celebration “blessed” to have a minister give an invocation. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is almost ubiquitous at these events.... Read more

June 30, 2024

Paul and the other apostles practiced selective Bible reading, just like Jesus. Here’s how you can learn to pick and choose verses like them. In my last article, “Be Like Jesus—Pick and Choose Your Scriptures!” I discussed a conversation with a friend, in which he accused me of picking and choosing scriptures to fit my personal beliefs. I pointed out that Jesus did exactly that and expects us to do the same. Check out that article, then continue with this... Read more

June 27, 2024

When conservatives say, “You can’t pick and choose which parts of the Bible support your beliefs, and ignore the rest,” How do you respond?   Recently, a friend gave me this conservative line about selectively reading and interpreting scriptures. I pointed out that almost nobody follows the whole Bible. There’s a reason why Christians don’t sell our daughters for a bride price, or marry them off to someone who rapes them. As it should be, you never hear about Jesus’s... Read more

June 24, 2024

Everyone has darkness in their soul. Instead of trying to drive out darkness, Jesus and Lao say there’s a mysterious virtue in nurturing it. There’s a mysterious virtue hidden in the Tao Te Ching. This Chinese word for “virtue” is more than simple goodness. Instead, Te means a way of being that is full of harmony and authenticity. This verse explores how to live with such a virtue. Jesus and Lao Tzu agree that to nurture this virtue, you must... Read more

June 19, 2024

Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a magical romp through an ancient fairyland. How can it help you celebrate the summer solstice?   It’s halfway to Christmas. And time for a little magic. Shakespeare depicts midsummer as a mystical time when fairies play tricks on people and love is in the air. The holiday has a long tradition in northern Europe. Neopagans call the summer solstice Litha, while Christians observe it as the Nativity of John the Baptist.   Why... Read more

June 16, 2024

All people change. Some change more than others. And that’s okay. Here’s why you should call trans folks by their new names and pronouns. In my article, “What’s In a Name? Deadnaming, Misgendering & Other Rudeness,” I discuss the importance of calling people by their new names and pronouns. I got some pushback from that article, so I’d like to double down. The Bible offers many examples of people who changed their names, and identities. Christians have no issues referring... Read more

June 14, 2024

Don’t miss Disney’s Inside Out 2. The new film highlights both mental health and spiritual wellness. And there’s an app for that!   Adults often give Disney films a pass, expecting little more than heroes, magic, and princesses who save the day. But Disney’s June 2024 release isn’t just for kids. Sure, children will love the show—the one sitting next to us laughed all the way to the end. But if you’re looking for a smart and spiritual look at... Read more

June 13, 2024

In “Racism in the Pews: A Pastor’s Confession of Compromise,” I bared my shame. Here’s how compromise can lead to conviction and action. Do you remember the longstanding tradition of “testimony night” in Evangelical churches? In the absence of a sermon, church members would get up and tell their own stories of God’s goodness. At testimony night, we heard tales of miracles, of broken relationships restored, and of blessings. But the ones that always moved us the most were the... Read more

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