July 11, 2024

Even with the revival of the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis (CTH) to explain UAP, it appears that the traditional Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) remains stronger. Read more

July 7, 2024

Can we rightly ask that ChatGPT theology's image of God convey divine love, care, and grace? Yes, indeed. Just recognize that God is real even if God does not literally match our projected images. Read more

July 5, 2024

Might we develop a secular view of the soul as the spiritual core of a person? This is what psychiatrist John Calvin Chatlos offers us. What's unique is Chatlos' experience with substance abusers who undergo spiritual transformation. The steps? First, an oceanic feeling. Second, a sense of self-worth. Self-worth is followed thirdly by a faith process that leads to a transformation of the soul expressed as love for others. He calls it a "Framework for Spirituality." Read more

July 2, 2024

This past week on Star Island in the Atlantic, IRAS hosted an engrossingly intense conference on the astro-sciences and religion. Should we humans depart earth and colonize other planets, leaving our home planet to devolve into lifelessness? Read more

June 17, 2024

Whereas I think the alternative history proposed by so-called ancient astronaut theorists is an attempt to support materialism -- even extraterrestrial materialism -- George Mason University professor Jaimie Gunderson proposes a different hypothesis. She proposes epistemological "pleasure." Fascinating. Read more

June 15, 2024

Jürgen Moltmann along with the Muslims composing Al-Mizan have heard our scientists prophesying planetary ecocide and have responded theologically, ethically, and politically. Justice and liberation belong inextricably with sustaining the fecundity of God's creation. Read more

June 11, 2024

Are Americans mirroring Russian Christian Nationalism? No, not exactly. Religious nationalism in both lands is sparked by a shared anxiety leading to resentment (French: ressentiment) over the injustice of having traditional culture replaced. This is dangerous. Evangelical, progressive and liberal Christians are right in prophetically judging religious nationalsm. But what we really need is a way to reduce the anxiety that gives rise to it. Read more

June 5, 2024

Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood's new book, "Baptizing America," blames yesterday's mainline Protestants for today's evangelicals and Pentacostals who tout Christian nationalism. What is meant by "Christian nationalism" is so vague that it's become an arrow we can shoot at anybody we don't like. Read more

May 30, 2024

 Was this a disgrace? Yes, indeed. But a dis-grace of a special sort. No tone or mood or feeling of graciousness was present here. This was a graceless moment. Read more

May 29, 2024

Since 2017 the movement pressing for government disclosure of UAP documents has picked up avalanche force. It is now crashing down on the U.S. Congress. It is also now widely recognized and accepted that scientists should have access to as much data as possible to conduct research on anomalous aerial reports. Resistance to disclosure is frequently justified by government claims that disclosure would put national security in jeopardy. Most scientific researchers accept this. Yet, some voices seem to scream for disclosure even if the wall of national security gets breached. Is this a good idea? There may be good arguments to support disclosure only to the extent that national security remains protected. Read more

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