The Nameless Dance

The Nameless Dance June 24, 2024

What I drop, you will pick
What you lose, I will find.
And where you close, I will open.
Where I stumble, you will dance.
And what I struggle to know, you
will assume. So don’t feel guilty
if you should know joy while I
suffer. We take turns being light
to each other’s dark, being the
gold to fill each other’s cracks.
We take turns catching each
other when we fall. After hours
in the café struggling to know
the path of my soul in a jagged
world, I leave, the anonymous
seat of truth now warm, for
you, about to arrive.

A Question to Walk With: Describe a time when something someone left in your path turned out to be important.

This is from my book of poems in progress, This Slow Quick Dance.

Mark will be offering retreats, free events, and a few special journeys in 2024. Here’s the list of what’s coming up! 

June 28-30: Falling Down and Getting Up: Discovering Your Inner Resilience and Strength, weekend retreat at the Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY For more information or to register, click here

July 21, 28, & Aug 4, 2024 | Finding Inner Courage: Our Walk in the World
A 3-Session Online Webinar with Mark Nepo To register visit

July 31 6pm ET:  FREE EVENT You Don’t Have to Do It Alone: The Net of Friendship, reading and conversation followed by 45 minute river walk at the Kalamazoo Nature Center. Free event. Please register in advance here.   

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