July 8, 2024

Along the Via Campo, a young man is walking against the flow shouting to everyone he meets, “You are my sister! You are my brother!” I don’t know if he’s drunk or a prophet. So goes the journey of our lives: Do we seek a life of vengeance or build a better world? Do we build beauty atop the ruins? Do we walk through the days intoxicated with the distractions of the modern world insisting we are strangers? Or do... Read more

July 1, 2024

Life has been happening long before we came on the scene. All we know is that the Whole of Life and how it weaves and works is still a mystery—The Mystery. Every part of life has energy that we can call life-force. Even this is a guess. But we have to start somewhere. At once, the presence of life-force emanates like light while drawing other life to it like gravity. Since the beginning of the human journey, people have had... Read more

June 24, 2024

What I drop, you will pick What you lose, I will find. And where you close, I will open. Where I stumble, you will dance. And what I struggle to know, you will assume. So don’t feel guilty if you should know joy while I suffer. We take turns being light to each other’s dark, being the gold to fill each other’s cracks. We take turns catching each other when we fall. After hours in the café struggling to know... Read more

June 17, 2024

Life is an ever-flowing river interrupted by things large and small that stop the flow. And the purpose of love is to remove the interrupters. When fear pins me like a boulder, I need you to roll it off my heart. And when complication falls like the bough of a tree after a storm blocking your door, I will haul it away. I used to dread the interrupters, but without them, we would never have come to mean so much... Read more

June 10, 2024

When we insist on rowing with just one oar, we go around in circles. This is what happens when we insist that we are right. When we refuse to walk with some form of light, we bump around in the dark. This is what happens when we react without listening. When we cling, our hands stay closed and we can hold nothing. This is what happens when we are defensive. It seems a modern condition: to row in circles in... Read more

June 3, 2024

To loosen your mind is to watch a crane without making a sound. To follow your heart is to ride a dragon while carrying a flower. To accept one’s fate is to free the ox and make a garden of the wheel. To believe is to carve a flute for the song not yet written.   A Question to Walk With: In conversation with a friend or loved one, describe a time when you loosened your mind and a time... Read more

May 27, 2024

You come to me discouraged that you can never land where you aim, that life is always off course, that there is always a tragic gap between what we want and what we’re given. I can only say that we are always becoming, that the gold hidden in the break is the lasting treasure. Ever since Icarus tried to touch the sun, we have ached to fly, only to discover, when forced to land, that being kind and useful where... Read more

May 20, 2024

Gratitude releases power because, like a flower opening, giving thanks brings us into the light and, as a fish rides the current of a stream, we through our gratitude ride the current of life. While curiosity makes us aware of the animating thresholds of life, gratitude gives us the quiet courage to cross those thresholds and enter life. After years of practicing gratitude, I have come to see that alignment reveals miracle, that is, when we can align who we... Read more

May 13, 2024

When the accusations grow wildly like leaves in the jungle, there’s no room for light. And everyone just keeps hiding and running until far enough away from all the insanity, a single truth like a single leaf floats to the ground and it seems there’s nothing left to lose. And in the sudden stillness, where the bombs couldn’t reach, you can feel the throb in your hands and the throb in your mind. And wanting to start over, with less... Read more

May 6, 2024

As a boy, I would stare into things a bit too long for the adults around me. They told me I was sad and that I should cheer up. I know now that I was feeling depth not sadness. Later, when I was silent too long, those afraid of silence warned me that being empty would make me lonely. I know now that I was not drown- ing in emptiness, but gliding like a small bird in the spaciousness that... Read more

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