July 10, 2024

Current youth have been called  the “choice generation” for the “mindboggling” number of choices available to them, more than any past generation. Particularly with the omnipresence of technology. Living in a world of such challenges, we all need light for shadows of distraction and confusion that seem to close in around us. Dodge or Procrastinate? Many do. But we who love and follow our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ cannot. As President Nelson has told us, “The baseless notion... Read more

July 3, 2024

The Apostle Philip, serving effectively in Samaria, was sent by a an angel to a desert road he had no idea he was going to follow. Odd or strange for most perhaps, but not for Philip (see Acts 8). He was serving Christ. He might be instructed by a voice, blessed with a vision or dream,  given a “feeling” of wrong or right, or visited by an angel. But when Christ beckoned, Philip went there if needed. Philip—Where He Was... Read more

June 26, 2024

  Most face pain and grief in their lives. Some lapse into bitterness. Some resilient souls cling to their faith in tragedy, serving God and helping others. Such devout Christians were Horatio and Anna Spafford, who reacted to what many would consider incalculable tragedy to comfort those suffering during their lifetime and still today—150 years later. Maintaining Faith in Tragedy Horatio Spafford wrote the inspiring hymn “It Is Well with My Soul” as his and Anna’s faith was sustained during... Read more

June 19, 2024

“Trust and wait!” Not popular words. We live in times, places, and societies where we feel “entitled” to instant action. But in my experiences, and in lives of people I love, I’ve learned that trust and wait expresses our faith in God’s infinite knowledge and love. Our family recently enjoyed a visit with my wife’s parents, who live in a small town in the Midwest, USA. My in-laws are well known in the area for their unwavering dedication to serving... Read more

June 12, 2024

On a bad-mood day, I discovered the need to just show up. I had just finished day two of presenting at a major conference on a college campus. The beautiful spring day didn’t match my mood. I had done a lot of processing and prepping for presentations focused on heavy topics. I was starting to fear that perhaps I would just show up and not be able to inspire my audiences in ways I desired. Flowers, Smiles, and Loneliness  The... Read more

June 5, 2024

“A friend loves at all times,” we read in Proverbs 17:17 (ESV). Certainly friends are to be highly valued, and not lightly or carelessly chosen. We choose to befriend, an action. Friends and friendship are things—they exist. Friendly and friendlier are descriptive words—they are attached to other things. Befriending involves choice and effort. Recognizing a Need Years ago, at age 5 or 6, our daughter came to us with a young but sincere plea for help: “Mom, Dad, how can... Read more

May 29, 2024

“God clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today but tomorrow is thrown into the fire. So you can be even more sure that God will clothe you.” Matthew 6:28-33 in the NCV Bible emphasizes grass, “the most common food in the world” and the livelihood of 800 million people. Grass is evidence and symbol of God’s great love. We are surrounded by blessings. Providing As we enjoy the fresh spring grass with the beauty and wonder of... Read more

May 22, 2024

“In all thy ways acknowledge [God] and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-5). As with most Proverbs, we receive brief, specific, clear, powerful counsel. But our path will be our own, as our decisions must be our choices. Our Savior knows where we are, where we should be, and where we might eventually advance to be. And He guides and guards our way in His perfect vision and knowledge. Recognizing and Committing My BYU students often ask why their... Read more

May 15, 2024

A Christian school high school teacher staged his own parable to help students understand Christ's Atonement. A boy did 10 push-ups to earn each of his classmates a donut. After 350 push-ups, he was exhausted and in pain, the students were angry and rejected the donuts, and everyone was in tears. Read more

May 8, 2024

The only gift my wife wanted for Mother’s Day that year was to take a “little journey” with our little family. Our kids were small and our bikes were old, but we had a perfect plan. We would bike 25 miles from our home outside Kalamazoo, Michigan to our Lake Michigan destination. We expected a few inevitable slight imperfections, but certainly not disaster. A Challenging Perfect Plan In Southwest Michigan, the beautiful Kal-Haven Trail follows the path of an old... Read more

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